World History 2 Age of Exploration Packet Mr. Ackerman

World History 2
Age of Exploration Packet
Mr. Ackerman
Name: ________________________________
Quote Analysis:
Directions: Explain the quote to the best of your ability. Also, explain why you think the speaker may have
made this comment (in other words, what’s their bias?).
“Riches don’t make a man rich, they only make him busier.” – Christopher Columbus
“We Spaniards know a sickness of the heart that only gold can cure.” – Hernando Cortez
“There must be a beginning of any great matter, but continuing until the end is thoroughly finished yields the
true glory.” – Sir Frances Drake
Locate and shade the following countries:
Locate and shade the following countries or areas:
Mexico (Aztecs)
Peru (Incas)
Strait of Magellan/Drake’s Passage
West Indies
Canary Islands
Cape of Good Hope
East Indies (Spice Islands)
Draw the routes of each explorer:
Zheng He (China)
Christopher Columbus (Spain)
Hernan Cortez (Spain)
Bartolomew Dias (Portugal)
Ferdinand Magellan (Spain)
Francisco Pizzaro (Spain)
Vasco da Gama (Portugal)
Sir Francis Drake (England)
Jacques Cartier (France)
Reasons for Exploration
New Technology
Early Contributors: Prince Henry
Treaty of Tordesillas
1. Using different colors, label the areas given to Spain and Portugal as a result of this treaty
2. Answer the questions below
Analyze and Interpret:
1. Based on the knowledge of geography at the time, do you think that Portugal was happy with
where the line was placed? Do you think Spain was happy?
2. Who do you think was ultimately better off as a result of where the line was drawn?
3. Why do you think the Pope was involved in this decision? What does this say about the society at
the time?
4. What does the Pope’s decision say about how most Europeans view the rest of the world?
(pg 103)
Vasco Da Gama
(pg 84-86)
Sir Francis Drake
Where are they
Where did they go?
Why did they go
What did they find?
Why are they
Hernan Cortez
(pg 105)
(pg 104)
Jacques Cartier
(pg 110)
Where are they
Where did they go?
Why did they go
What did they find?
Why are they
The Columbian Exchange
Triangle Trade
The Columbian Exchange
Columbian Exchange Follow-up Questions
1. Pick the 2 most important things that Europeans got from the New World. Describe how each one benefited European
society in some way.
Product #1: __________________________
Importance: ___________________________________________________
Product #2: __________________________
Importance: ___________________________________________________
2. Pick the 2 most SIGNIFICANT things (good or bad) that the New World received from Europeans. Describe how each
one made an impact on Native American society.
Product #1: __________________________
Impact: ______________________________________________________
Product #2: __________________________
Impact: ______________________________________________________
Triangle Trade
Label each section of the map below with the correct goods that are being shipped TO each destination. Include symbols or illustrations for each good.
Imagine You…
Age of Exploration
Imagine you are a captured African warrior. You have been taken from your home and family and placed in the belly of
a large wooden boat. You have no idea where you are being taken, why you have been placed here, or how long you
will be held captive. Describe your experiences during this voyage. Include your personal feelings, as well as
descriptions of the events that take place. Be detailed!
Imagine you are a Spanish sailor on a slaving ship. You are 18 years old, and this is your second voyage from Africa to
the Caribbean. Describe your experiences onboard the ship, your perceptions of the rest of the crew and “cargo”, and
your own thoughts and feelings as you go about your daily routines.
Written Response - Age of Exploration
Create a response that establishes a cause-and-effect relationship between ALL of the following concepts.
The 3 “G’s”
The Ottoman Empire
The Mughal Empire
The Treaty of Tordesillas
Columbian Exchange
Triangle Trade