The Red Pill or the Blue Pill

The Red Pill or the Blue Pill
Morpheus explains to Thomas Anderson, prior to his becoming Neo, “You take the blue bill –
the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the
red pill – you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all
I’m offering is the truth – nothing more.”
Put yourself in Thomas Anderson’s place. He has a choice to live in a world of reality, truth,
knowledge, and wisdom. But this life is not without its challenges – threats from evil agents,
drab clothing, and questionable hygiene. Gone are the luxuries of life in the Matrix, where you
would be living a lie, a life a false sensory pleasures, a life of being deceived, a life of willfully
living a lie.
Write a tw0-page response that explains what pill you would take and why you would take it.