Document 17616467

APUSH: Chapter 7 Identifications & Short Essay Questions
George Washington/Cabinet/Judiciary Act of 1789
Bill of Rights/Chisholm v. Georgia/11th Amendment
Alexander Hamilton/Report on Public Credit/funding and assumption of debt
Report on the National Bank/First Bank of the United States
Elastic (“necessary and proper”) clause/loose interpretation
Report on the Subject of Manufactures/tariffs/excise taxes/Whiskey Rebellion
Henry Knox/Indian Non-Intercourse Act
Citizen Genet/Proclamation of Neutrality
Anthony Wayne/Battle of Fallen Timbers/Treaty of Greenville
Jay’s Treaty
Pinckney’s Treaty
Federalists/Republicans/Election of 1796
XYZ Affair/Quasi-War
Alien & Sedition Acts
Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions/states’ rights/interposition/nullification
Election (revolution?)of 1800
Judith Sargent Murray/”On the Equality of the Sexes”/republican motherhood
Richard Allen/Absalom Jones/African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church
Eli Whitney/cotton gin
Ch. 7 Short Essay Questions (choose 3 of the 5 questions below to complete)
How did the Washington Administration help to get the new republic on its feet politically and
economically? Consider issues related to the structure of government, preservation of individual
liberties, and economic policy (especially Hamilton’s plans).
What was the Whiskey Rebellion and was Washington’s Administration correct in its handling of
the crisis? Why or why not?
How did the Washington Administration handle foreign and Indian policy challenges? Did it take
the correct approach? Consider relations with France, Britain, Spain, and Native Americans.
What were the Alien & Sedition Acts and were they justified? Explain why or why not and offer
your opinion of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions – the Republican response to the Alien &
Sedition Acts. (This links directly to our debate on national power.)
What (if any) gains did women and African-Americans make in American society in the 1790s?
To what extent were the ideals of the American Revolution achieved for these two groups by
1800? Cite specific examples from the text.