Chapter 11 Study Guide Answer Key - Early US History

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Chapter 11 Study Guide-Answer Key
1. Define the following terms:
excise tax
A formal ceremony to mark the beginning of a
president’s term of office
A tax on the production or sale of a product
People who have come from other countries and are no
yet citizens
The crime of encouraging rebellion against the
To refuse to recognize a federal law. This action by a
state is called nullification
2. Washington’s executive branch
Department of State
Handle relations with other countries
Department of War
Defend the nation
Treasury Department
Oversee the nation’s finances
3. What was the Whiskey Rebellion?
In order to raise money for the government, am excise tax was placed on
luxury goods like whiskey. Western farmers complained that it made their
whiskey to expensive and refused to pay the tax. The tax was lowered, but
the “Whiskey Boys” still refused to pay it. In response Washington sent in
13,000 state militia to crush the rebels and the rebellion ended.
4. How did Washington see the Whiskey Rebellion?
As a threat to the authority of the national government
5. Identify the political party associated with the following individuals
Political Party
6. How did Republicans view the French Revolution?
They saw it as a crusade for democracy
7. How did Federalists view the French Revolution?
While many Federalists were at first behind the revolution, they were
appalled by the bloodshed and withdrew their support
8. What advice did Washington give in his farewell address?
If fighting between the parties was not controlled it could tear the nation
9. Washington had much to be proud of when he left office. Identify three of
his successes.
1 New government was up and running
2 The nation was growing (3 new states added)
3 The nation was united and at peace
10. Check the political party that is associated with each characteristic.
Strong federal
Favored the rights of
the states and farmers
Believes wealthy should
Believes economy
should be based on
Believes economy
should be based
business, manufacturing
and trade
Supported the French
Favored good relations
with Great Britain
because of dependence
on their business
11. According to Hamilton, how would a national bank serve the country’s
Provide loans to business people to build new factories and ships
12.What were the Alien and Sedition Acts?
The first three laws were focused on aliens. The first increased the amount
of time from 5 to 14 years to become a citizen. The other two laws allow
the president to deport aliens who were suspected of stirring up trouble.
The Sedition Act made sedition a crime. It included printing, writing, or
speaking in a scandalous or malicious way against the government.
13.How did Republicans view the Alien and Sedition Acts?
 As an attack on the Republican Party since many immigrants voted
 As an attack on the rights of free speech and press
14. Which two states adopted the resolutions to nullify the laws?
Virginia and Kentucky
15.Explain why the national capital was moved to Washington D.C.
Hamilton promised to support a location for the national capital in the
South if southerners would support his debt plan
16. Describe the Election of 1800.
The election of 1800 resulted in a ties between the Republican candidates
for president and vice president. To prevent such a tie from happening
again, the 12th Amendment was created.
17.What does the 12th Amendment state?
It calls for electors to cast separate ballots for president and vice president
18.What did Jefferson mean when he called the Election of 1800 a “peaceful
In the United States, power passed from one group to another without