Early Nation Webquest

Early Nation Webquest
Directions - Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. You may work in pairs, but you must turn in separate sheets.
Click on the blue links above the questions to find the answers.
Whiskey Rebellion
What was the Whiskey Rebellion a fight over?
What did President Washington do to end the revolt?
This was the first time the federal government did something. What was it?
Why do you think President Washington had to act with such force?
George Washington's Farewell Address (Scroll to the bottom of the page)
What did Washington warn against in his Farewell Address?
What did Washington stress the importance of?
What did Washington warn about the military?
Political Parties, Platforms, and Planks
Why did Washington fear political parties?
What were the first two political factions?
What two factions formed during Washington's first administration that became the first political parties?
The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798
What was the intent of the Alien and Sedition Acts?
How did the Democratic-Republicans fell about the Alien and Sedition Acts?
XYZ Affair
Why were the Americans upset with the French?
How did Adams respond?
What was the end result of the XYZ Affair?
Marbury v. Madison
What important power of the Supreme Court was established by Marbury v. Madison?
What is Judicial Review?
How does Judicial Review create balance between the three branches of government?
The Louisiana Purchase
Who did we purchase Louisiana from?
What issue did Thomas Jefferson have with the purchase of Louisiana?
What is the importance of the Louisiana Purchase?
Lewis and Clark
Where did the expedition start?
How did Sacagawea help with the expedition?
Describe one event to and from the Pacific?
The War of 1812
What did the American leaders in 1812 believe when they declared war on Great Britain?
What did Americans along the western frontier believe the British were doing?
What is impressment?
What were three outcomes of the War of 1812?
Uncle Sam
Where did the United States nickname “Uncle Sam” come from?
Who was the famous political cartoonist who made Uncle Sam popular?
Where is Samuel Wilson buried?
Battle of Tippecanoe
What did Tecumseh believe?
Why did William Henry Harrison send troops to Prophetstown?
How did the Prophet convince the rest of the natives to attack the American forces?
Star Spangled Banner
How does this poem compare to our National Anthem?
What aspects of the Battle of Fort McHenry are included in the poem? Cite specific examples.
When was the first time the Star Spangled Banner was sung at a baseball game?