4 QUARTER TEST STUDY GUIDE Renaissance and Reformation

Renaissance and Reformation
Define the following terms and people:
1. Renaissance
7. Martin Luther
2. Humanism
8. Pope Paul III
3. Secular
9. Council of Trent
4. Reformation
10. Counter-Reformation
5. Indulgence
11. Inquisition
6. 95 Theses
Answer the following questions:
1. What factors contributed to the rise of the Renaissance?
2. How did the Renaissance encourage changes in society?
3. What were Martin Luther’s main problems with the Catholic Church?
Asia & the 1500s
Define the following terms and people:
1. Suleiman
4. Taj Mahal
2. Akbar
5. Ottoman Empire
3. Shah Jahan
6. Mughal Empire
Answer the following questions:
1. What was the name of the original capital of the Ottoman Empire? What was it changed to?
2. What caused both the Ottoman and Mughal Empires to fail?
Scientific Revolution
Define the following terms and people:
1. Copernicus
5. Harvey
2. Galileo
6. Geocentric Theory
3. Newton
7. Heliocentric Theory
4. Vesalius
Age of Exploration
Define the following terms and people:
1. Columbus
5. Cortez
2. Dias
6. Pizarro
3. Da Gama
7. Drake
4. Magellan
8. Columbian Exchange
Answer the following question:
1. Resulting from the Columbian Exchange, name the two goods that had the greatest impact on the
Age of Absolutism and Enlightenment
Define the following terms and people:
1. Divine right
5. Voltaire
2. Absolute Monarchy
6. Baron de Montesquieu
3. Louis XIV (14th)
7. Palace of Versailles
4. John Locke
French Revolution
Define the following terms and people:
1. Storming of the Bastille
4. Louis XVI (16th)
2. Tennis Court Oath
5. Napoleon
3. Reign of Terror
Answer the following question:
1. What were the events that led to Napoleon’s demise?
Industrial Revolution
Define the following terms and people:
1. Adam Smith
5. James Watt
2. Karl Marx
6. Henry Bessemer
3. Factory
7. Eli Whitney
4. Interchangeable parts
8. “Laissez-faire” economics
5. Assembly lines
9. Railroads and industrial growth
Define the following terms and people:
1. Imperialism
3. Sepoy Mutiny
2. Berlin Conference
Answer the following question:
1. What were the main factors that caused Imperialism?
Nationalism and World War I
Define the following terms and people:
1. Giuseppe Garibaldi
7. Allies vs. Central Powers
2. Otto von Bismarck
8. Militarism
3. Realpolitik
9. Nationalism
4. Serbia vs. Austria-Hungary
10. League of Nations
5. Mechanized war
11. Treaty of Versailles 1919
6. Trench warfare
12. “War-guilt clause”
Answer the following question:
1. Name some of the results of World War I.
Russian Revolution
Define the following terms and people:
1. Capitalism
4. Bolsheviks
2. Communism
5. Czar Nicholas II
3. Lenin
6. Duma
Interwar Years and World War II
Define the following terms and people:
1. New Deal
5. Benito Mussolini
2. Franklin D. Roosevelt
6. Adolf Hitler
3. Harry Truman
7. Hideki Tojo
4. Joseph Stalin
8. Hirohito
5. Winston Churchill
9. Hiroshima and Nagasaki
10. Blitzkrieg
16. Operation Torch
11. “Island hopping”
17. Battle of Stalingrad
12. Pearl Harbor
18. Anti-Semitism
13. Operation Overlord (D-Day)
19. Holocaust
14. Operation Sea Lion
20. Non-aggression pact
15. Operation Barbarossa
21. Allied vs. Axis Powers
Cold War
Define the following terms and people:
1. Cold War
10. Berlin Wall
2. “Satellite nations”
11. United Nations
3. Containment
12. Korean War
4. Truman Doctrine
13. Vietnam War
5. Marshall Plan
14. Fidel Castro
6. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
15. Ho Chi Minh/Ngo Dinh Diem
7. Warsaw Pact
16. Mao Zedong/Chiang Kai Shek
8. Brinkmanship
17. Nikita Khrushchev
9. Détente
18. Mikhail Gorbachev
African & Asian Decolonization
Define the following terms and people:
1. Mau Mau Rebellion
6. Golda Meir and Israel
2. Jomo Kenyatta
7. Israel and Palestine
3. Apartheid
8. Partition of India and Pakistan
4. Nelson Mandela
9. Gandhi
5. Gamal Nasser and Suez Canal