Bug Project/Insect Collection ,

Bug Project/Insect Collection
This is a required project in which all students will participate. It’s a quarter (not a semester)
project that’s equal to a test grade and the project is due on Wednesday,
October 28th.** ** This project will NOT be accepted even 1 day late. The
grading sheet for this project can be found on the Global drive under Dr. Peters.
Students will—
1. be able to list characteristics of the Phylum Arthropoda
2. be able to differentiate between the different Classes of Arthropods
3. be able to identify the major Orders of the Class Insecta
4. make a collection representing local Orders of the Class Insecta
5. learn how to correctly display insects in a collection
6. be able to give examples of anatomical differences between insects and other animals
7. be able to use a key to identify specimens
8. be able to use collection equipment
9. be able to recognize and name common insects found in Loudoun County
Project Directions
By any method available and as demonstrated in class, including plastic containers,
baggies, jars, nets, and killing jars (see directions included in this packet), collect 10
You must have a total of 10 insects with at least 2 bugs per order and at least 3
orders in your collection; therefore, you could have 2 types of flies, 2 grasshoppers, 2
bees, and 4 beetles. Or you could have 2 flies, 2 bees, and 6 beetles. Or you could have 2
flies, 2 beetles, 2 bees, 2 moths, and 2 dragonflies. Any combination will work as long as
you have at least 2 insects per order and you have at least 3 orders. No more than 10
insects will be accepted. (There are about 30 insect orders; see information on the
different orders toward the back of this packet.) EVERY INSECT HAS TO BE
The fastest and most humane way to kill insects is to put them in the freezer while still in
the container. The specimens should stay in the freezer just long enough to kill them and
then removed. The time necessary will vary from about 15 minutes to several hours, or
even overnight. Do not leave insects in the freezer for weeks or months! This dries
them out so much that they just crumble into pieces when you go to pin them.
Identify insects by order and common name only. Use identification books found in the
classroom, school and public libraries. Also, some websites can help you to locate the
order of your insects and sometimes the common name. However, the websites have
only limited usefulness (and accuracy) and all identifications should be double-checked
using identification books.
Using special entomology pins that I will supply, pin insects according to the enclosed
instructions, using the three labels—where found/date, common name, order—as
indicated. Failure to use the labels found in this packet will result in lost points, even if
you have made your own. Please see the enclosed instructions for the correct order and
positioning of labels. The pins will be given to you as you need them.
Because the praying mantis is such a beneficial insect, we don’t want to kill them so
the praying mantis is NOT an acceptable insect for this collection.
To display your collected insects, place insects in a “display case” which can be a box top
with Styrofoam in it, or you can build one using the enclosed directions as
a guide. Examples of acceptable displays will be demonstrated in class.
Pin a number (included in packet) beside each insect and make a key for your
insects using the computer. On the key, list the 10 numbers and then the order for the
insect that corresponds to the number in your collection. This list must be included with
your project.
Exchanging duplicate insects with other students is allowed, and collecting with others is
encouraged. You may involve your family, friends and neighbors in the collecting
The insects must be from our region, so something from North Carolina could not be
used, but something from Maryland or West Virginia (northern part) could be.