Topic: Lab03: Variables. Objectives Name: _____________________________________________________ Period: _______ Date: _______________________ I will be able to define and initialize a variable. I will be able to use variables in equations I will be able to display a variable using System.out.print () or println() What are the common types of variables? Integer : whole number, both positive and negative. Ex: -6, 0, 8432 Double: decimal number. Ex: -2.89, 4.3289, 5.0 Strings: collection of characters Ex: “I will learn how to program in Java” Boolean: true or false What type of variable would you use? Your Name: Your age: Amount of Loan: Interest rate on your loan: Number of payments before it’s paid off: Your monthly payment: What are the Java keywords used to define variables: Integer : int Double: double Strings: String Boolean: boolean HOW DO I: declare and initialize variables? int numBurgers = 6; double costOfBurgers = 4.25; String burgerString = “PVHS Big Burger”; use variables in a equation? double burgerCost = numBurgers * costBurgers; apply a 10% discount? burgerCost = burgerCost * .90; burgerCost = burgerCost – burgerCost*.1; increment a variable? numBurgers = numBurgers + 1; decrement a variable? numBurgers = numBurgers – 1; Applying variables to the Climber class What are the components of a variables: state methods: verbs class? - Constructors: special methods used to initialize the state of an object when first created - Instance methods: turnRight(), move(), pickBeeper() In the Climber class, how do I declare variables? - Before the constructors public { int int int int class Climber extends Athlete upRightCalls=0; upLeftCalls=0; downRightCalls=0; downLeftCalls=0; public Climber(int x) { .. } How do I increment the variables? public void climbUpRight() { upRightCalls = upRightCalls + 1; } How do I display the variables? public void printCounts () { System.out.println(" upRightCalls=" + upRightCalls); System.out.println(" upLeftCalls=" + upLeftCalls); System.out.println(" downRightCalls=" + downRightCalls); System.out.println(" downLeftCalls=" + downLeftCalls); } How do you input data from the keyboard? Example: class: Scanner methods: nextInt() – read an Integer nextDouble() – read a Double next() – read a String import java.util.Scanner; in main(): //create a new Scanner object,reads data from keyboard Scanner input = new Scanner (; System.out.println(“Enter number of Burgers: “); int numBurgers = input.nextInt(); double costBurgers = numBurgers * COST_BURGER; System.out.println("Cost Burgers = $" + costBurgers); double total = costBurgers; // + costFries + costCokes; //add a 15% tip total = total + total * .15; Summary: