Welcome to Creating Webpages In this enrichment course we will:

Welcome to Creating Webpages
In this enrichment course we will:
Learn about the creation of the World Wide Web.
Write HTML tags and create Web pages.
Format Web page HTML tags.
Create hypertext links.
Capture, copy, and insert images on Web pages.
Save Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents as Web pages.
Link Web pages to create a Web site.
Let's set you up to start learning how to create webpages.
Please do the following:
Logon to the school network
Open the 'shortcut to student' folder
Look for ' Web Page Programming ' folder and put your
mouse over it and hit the right-click button
Click on the Copy option.
Open YOUR student fold and click on a blank space
between your filenames and hit the right-click button.
Click on the Paste option.
Now you have Web Page Programming folder in your
student folder and all your work for this class will be done
in here.
Now, let's start creating web pages !
1st class assignment:
■ Go to Century 21 Book, turn it facing down and look for
page 594, lesson 121.
■ Read: How HTML Tags Work
■ Review the four basic tag commands at the top of the
(green) page 595