MEXICO By: Hope Wiseman, Morgan Payne, Kristina Anerson, Jenny Ryan, Jackie...

By: Hope Wiseman, Morgan Payne, Kristina Anerson, Jenny Ryan, Jackie Hoffman
Historical Backround
• Occupied by Indians, such as the Mayans and
Incans, until 1519
• Conquered by Spain in 1519
• Declared independence from Spain on
September 16, 1810
• Is 61,606 sq mi, making it the worlds 14th
largest country by total area
• Borders the United States, Belize, and
• Has 31 states and the Federal District
Economic and Social Conditions
• From 2000 to 2004, the population in poverty has decreased
from 24.2% to 17.6% in the general population and from 42%
to 27.9% in rural areas
• Since the late 1990s, the majority of the population has been
part of the growing middle class
• In 2006, trade with the United States and Canada accounted
for almost 50% of its exports and 45% of its imports
• Mexico is the largest north American auto-producing nation
• 2010 census: 112,336,538 people living in Mexico
Ethnic, Caste, and Religious Groups
• 82.7% of Mexicans are Roman Catholic
• The Native language is Spanish
How Presidents Are Chosen
President is elected by direct election
six-year term of office
there is no runoff election.
No reelection allowed
How Legislatures Are Chosen
• Senators and Chamber of Deputies every
three years
• Senators: Direct Election by the People
– Three are chosen from each of the 31 states and
federal/capital district
– 32 elected by proportional representation
– 6-year terms
• Deputies: Direct Election by the People
– 500 members: 300 by simple majority,
200 proportional representation
– 3-year terms
How Judges Are Chosen
• Appointed by the president
• Approved by the Senate
Role of Political Parties and Interest
Political Map
Parties of Mexico
• National Action Party–
– Party of incumbent President Felipe Calderón. It is the largest party in
the Senate.
• Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) –
– the dominating party in the Chamber of Deputies and at the municipal
and state level, second in the Senate.
– A part of the Socialist International, it is now considered as a centrist
– supports a policy of mixed economy and nationalized industries, both
of which are longstanding Mexican practices.
• Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) –
– Born as "National Democratic Front“
• Labor Party (PT) –
– a laborist political party formed in 1990.
– Allied with PRD
Parties of Mexico Cont.
• Ecologist Green Party of Mexico (PVEM) –
– a minor party with an environmental platform.
– allied with PAN to elect the first non-PRI president in 7 decades
– Now allies with PRI
• Convergence –
– a social democratic party, formed in 1997.
• New Alliance–
– originally created by academics of the Autonomous Technical Institute
of Mexico and members of the National Educational Workers Union,
– the largest union in Latin America
Interest Groups
• Interest groups became an institutionalized
part of state structure rather than an
independent source of advocacy
• Increases state power
How Individual Citizens Participate
In Politics
• Individuals can vote for president and
• Individuals can run for political office
Way Political Institutions Exercise Power
President set broad outlines of policy for the
administration and has numerous resources
to ensure that those policy preferences are
Mexican presidents have a set of formal
powers that allows them to
» initiate legislating
» lead in foreign policy
» create government agencies
» make policy by decree or through
administrative regulations and
» appoint a wide range of public officials
President’s skill in negotiating, managing the
opposition, using the media to acquire public
support, and maneuvering within the
bureaucracy can be important for insuring
that his program is fully endorsed
Authority to fill numerous other high-level
positions, which allows him to provide policy
direction and keep tabs on what is occurring
throughout the government
President's power to make appointments
provides him with the capacity to build a team
of like-minded officials in government and
ensure their loyalty to him
New presidents can introduce extensive change
in positions within the government
Bring in “their people” which provides the
president with a group of high- and middle-level
officials who share a general orientation toward
public policy and are motivated to carry out his
National Palace: Seat of Federal Executive
The Legislative power of the United Mexican
States is allocated in a General Congress divided
in two Chambers: one of deputies and the other
one of senators who exercise the faculties
granted by the Constitution.
As in the United States, both chambers are
responsible for the discussion and approval of
legislation and the ratification of high-level
presidential appointments
Senate can amend the texts that are submitted
to it
Each legislative chamber has a number of
committees that study and recommend bills
Active policy-maker, blocking and forcing the
negotiation of legislation, and introducing its
own bills
The Mexican legal system is based on Spanish
civil law with some influence of the common law
tradition, Spanish civil law is based upon strict
adherence to legal codes and minimal
The most powerful juridical instrument is the
writ of amparo , which can be invoked against
acts by any government official, including the
writ of amparo , a category of legal protection
comparable to a broad form of habeas corpus that
safeguards individual civil liberties and property
Courts slowed the actions of government by
issuing amparos; however, in almost every case
in which the power of government or the
president was at stake, the courts ruled on the
side of the government
Supreme Court
Mexican Congress
Inter-relationships between political institutions
As in the United States, in cases of
impeachment, the Chamber of Deputies has the
power to prosecute, and the Senate acts as the
– Also a restraint on Executive
President appoints all Supreme Court judges
and confirmed by the Senate or the Permanent
– Also a restraint on Executive
• Power of introducing bills is shared with
the executive, although in practice the
executive initiates about 90 percent of all
• In the event that two-thirds of the Senate
cannot agree on an appointee, the
president may fill the vacancy without
Senate approval
If the presidential office falls vacant during the first
two years of a sexenio (six year presidential term) ,
the congress designates an interim president, then
calls a special presidential election to complete the
vacancy occurs during the latter four years of
a sexenio , the congress designates a
provisional president for the remainder of the
President- Felipe Calderon
Chief Justice-Juan Silva
Restraints on Political Institutions
– Steps down at the end of their sixyear term (no re-election)
– The president has sole authority to
appoint and dismiss cabinet
secretaries, except for the attorney
general, who must receive the
consent of the Senate.
• Also an inter-relationship
between Executive and
– In keeping with the Mexican tradition
of "no reelection," deputies and
senators are not eligible to
immediately succeed themselves
Supreme court justices are appointed for
life but are subject to impeachment by the
Chamber of Deputies
Also an Inter-relationship between
Judiciary and Legislative
Court rulings of both the whole, or
plenary, court and the separate chambers
are decided on the basis of majority
opinion. Rulings by the separate chambers
may be overturned by the full court
Mexican Supreme Court of Justice is
prohibited by the constitution from
applying its rulings beyond any individual
Chief justices may not serve consecutive
terms but may be reelected by their
colleagues during their 15-year tenure on
the court
Public Policy
Functions of Legislature
The powers of the Congress include the right to pass laws, impose taxes, declare war,
approve the national budget, approve or reject treaties and conventions made with foreign
countries, and ratify diplomatic appointments.
Bicameral congress: Senate and Chamber of Deputies
The Senate
128 representatives
Serve for 6 years
Cannot be reelected for the next immediate term
addresses all matters concerning foreign policy, approves international agreements, and confirms
presidential appointments.
The Chamber of Deputies
500 representatives
Serve for 3 years
Cannot be reelected for the next immediate term
addresses all matters pertaining to the government's budget and public expenditures.
Functions of Executive
• President
– Serves for 6 years
– Cannot be reelected
• No vice president
• President also appoints, with Senate approval, the
Cabinet members and other officers. The President is
responsible of executing and enforcing the law, and has
the authority of vetoing bills.
Functions of Judiciary
• The Supreme Court of Justice interprets laws and
judge cases of federal competency
– Supreme court: 11 judges or ministers that are appointed
for 15 years and cannot be appointed more than once
• Other institutions of the judiciary are the Electoral
Tribunal, collegiate, unitary and district tribunals, and
the Council of the Federal Judiciary
Other Political Institutions
• Other institutions of the judiciary are the Electoral
Tribunal, collegiate, unitary and district tribunals, and
the Council of the Federal Judiciary
Establishment of Internal Order
• Mexican military is primarily organized to meet
challenges to internal order and the existing political
• the military has been reluctant to become involved in
law enforcement. The armed forces have given the
responsibility of preventing violence to federal and
state police authorities except when faced with a
large-scale breakdown of civil order.
• Troops are not fully equipped or trained to deal
directly with protesters, and, with its reputation at
risk, the military leadership seems inclined to register
its influence more as a presence than an active force.
External Security
• Mexican armed forces: composed of the Mexican
Army which includes the Mexican Air Force (FAM) as
a subordinate entity and the Mexican Navy which
also includes the Mexican Naval Infantry and Naval
Aviation (FAN). Its three objectives are the repulsion
of external aggressions, protection of internal
security, and to aid the civilian population in case of
natural disaster. It is made up entirely of career
soldiers, and although National Military Service does
exist conscripts are not integrated into any army or
navy unit.
• Help other countries with disaster relief as well.
Indonesia after tsunami and U.S after Hurricane
Raising Money to Pay for Services
• Mexico exports a plethora of good. Some of
which include manufactured goods, oil and oil
products, silver, fruits, vegetables, coffee, and
• About 80.5% of Mexico’s exports are to the
United States.
• Mexico’s exporting rates and economy has
increased due to the North Atlantic Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA).
Raising Money to Pay for Services
• In addition Mexico is the largest producer of
avocados, onions and chayote, limes and
lemons, and sunflower seeds.
• In 2000 Mexico accumulated 90% of all export
earnings. This is because of the automotive
industrial manufactures in Mexico.
Services Government Provides
• According to the 2006 World Bank, Mexico has
been trying to greatly increase the literacy
rates. This was a slight success.
• Provides Health Care (but only for people who
can afford it)
• Provides a military for citizens
Is Government Legitimate
• On September 16, 2006, Mexico held a National
Democratic Convention (CND) to elect “a
legitimate government”.
• Mexico claims to be a “legitimate government”
because it has a body that claims to be running
the republic. However, Mexico has a federal
• Mexico is a country that appears to be one type
of government, but then claims to be another
type of government.
Citizen Behavior Regulating
• Mexico requires its citizens to get a firearm
registration card for anyone wishing to aquire a
firearm. Disobeyers face serious jail time.
• The government has been trying to put down the
violent fighting from the drug cartels for regional
• The government is more focused on putting
down the violence, than drug trafficking
prevention, which then is left to United States
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