Demonstrate your attention to and increase your

in a Series
“I spent most of the
day putting in a comma
and the rest of the day
taking it out.”
your attention to
Conventions and
increase your
PowerEd Plans
in a Series
Add fluency by combining
three or more similar
ideas in one sentence.
In a series of three or more terms with a
single coordinating conjunction, use a
comma after each term except the last:
A, B, conjunction C
Jake’s favorite fruits are bananas, apples, and
Max enjoys running, jumping, and skating.
Place a comma between the first and
second adjective. Do not place a comma
after the last adjective:
A, B, C noun
Jamie is the most caring, tolerant, considerate
person I know.
I am looking for the sharp, yellow, long pencil.
PowerEd Plans
in a Series
Add fluency by combining
three or more similar
ideas in one sentence.
Let’s see how sentences with commas
in a series add fluency to a paragraph.
Getting ready for a party can be a daunting, timeconsuming, costly task. This is why it is important to be
organized. First, I always make a list of the food,
decorations, and favors I will need for the party. Next, I
plan the places I will need to go to buy all the party
supplies. A few days before the party, I do all my shopping.
On the day of the party my brother, sister, and best friend
usually come help me prepare for the party. Finally, it is
time to sit back and enjoy the fun!
A, B, C noun
A, B, conjunction C
PowerEd Plans
in a Series
Add fluency by combining
three or more similar
ideas in one sentence.
Let’s see how sentences with commas
in a series add fluency to a paragraph.
Recently, my parents got sick of constantly giving me
money for entertainment. They challenged me to find
something to do “for free.” Yeah, right! I gathered my best
friend, older brother, and boyfriend to try to brainstorm
ideas. As we pondered, I was overwhelmed by the silent,
long, boring day passing us by. We had to think of something,
or I would surely go insane. Finally, my brother rattled off,
“We could go to the beach, the park, or the pool. It doesn’t
cost anything to do any of them.” We all decided the pool
would be the most fun for that day.
A, B, C noun
PowerEd Plans
A, B, conjunction C
in a Series
Add fluency by combining
three or more similar
ideas in one sentence.
Let’s see how sentences with commas
in a series add fluency to a paragraph.
My favorite summer time activities are swimming, hiking,
and rafting. I was lucky enough to get to do all three of these
things over the summer. Nothing feels better than diving into
a crisp, cool, blue swimming pool. Of course, another
summertime passion is hiking to a waterfall in the mountains.
Getting to the end of a long trail which leads to an amazing,
powerful, refreshing waterfall is, without a doubt, a rewarding
experience. At the same time, the adventure of white water
river-rafting also draws me to the mountains every summer.
Clearly, summer is my favorite time of the year.
A, B, C noun
PowerEd Plans
A, B, conjunction C
in a Series
Add fluency by combining
three or more similar
ideas in one sentence.
Let’s see how sentences with commas
in a series add fluency to a paragraph.
I cannot live without junk food. When I think about junk
food, potato chips, cake, ice cream, cookies, and popcorn,
immediately pop into my mind. I love junk food! I realize
how unhealthy a diet made of purely non-nutritious food is,
but sometimes, I just don’t care. I mean, how can I watch a
movie without a bowl of hot, salty, buttery popcorn on my
lap? Seriously?!?! Also, who has ever been to a birthday
party without cake and ice cream? Imagine putting candles
into a salad, apple, or plate of broccoli to sing “Happy
Birthday.” That’s just not happening! Junk food is evil, but it
is necessary.
A, B, C noun
PowerEd Plans
A, B, conjunction C
in a Series
Add fluency by combining
three or more similar
ideas in one sentence.
Let’s see how sentences with commas
in a series add fluency to a paragraph.
Many privileges come with growing older. Since I became
a teenager I have been able to stay out later, organize my own
schedule, and drive a car. Of course, driving has been the
greatest privilege I have earned since turning sixteen. There
is nothing like the feeling of slipping behind the wheel of a
new, shiny, fast car. The power that comes with being able to
go anywhere is incredible! Obviously, my parents take
advantage of that power, too. They constantly send me on
errands to the dry cleaner, the grocery store, and to pick up
my little sister. However, I am driving, so I will go anywhere!
A, B, C noun
PowerEd Plans
A, B, conjunction C