Name __________________________________ Block _______ English 11 Romanticism Literature


Name __________________________________

Block _______

English 11

Romanticism Literature

Emily Dickenson Poems (page 746)

Background Information/Author Study

From the information given in this article, choose 3 facts that you consider important to remember.










Figurative Language consists of groups of words that express ideas beyond the literal meaning of the words. Dickenson’s poetry features many common figures of speech, such as similes, metaphors, extended metaphors, and personification. Use the chart below to find and record examples of these figures of speech in Dickenson’s poetry.

Figures of Speech

Simile Metaphor Personification Extended Metaphor

Death is personified as a kind gentleman in “Because I could not stop for Death.”

“Hope is the thing with feathers” compares hope to a bird

Follow Up: Dickenson used figures of speech to describe the abstract concepts of mourning, hope and death. Choose another abstract concept, such as truth or victory, and compose a definition by using figures of speech.




Thinking Critically

Answer the following questions in complete sentences and using examples from the text.

Make sure to support your opinions.


In the third stanza of “Because I could not stop for Death”- the carriage passes the school, fields of grain, and the setting sun. What might these images symbolize?






Re-read lines 17-20 of the same poem. What does the house in this stanza represent?






Based on the eight poems you have read, what are your impressions of Emily

Dickenson as a person? Consider the background information given about her and the poems she has written. Give reasons for your answer.






Read Dickenson’s quotation on the definition of poetry (page 746). In your opinion, do the poems in this author study meet the standards expressed by this definition?







Out of the poems included in this author study, which poems did you like the best and least? Why?




