Warm Up:

Warm Up:
Fill out your table of contents!
On page 40 of you notebook, brainstorm PROS and CONS of European
Today’s Question:
What were the effects of
European Exploration?
Today’s Agenda:
1. Discuss pros and cons of exploration
2. Paragraph: Pros and cons of exploration—was it worth it?
3. Review for test: Grungeball!
4. Questions on the study guide?
5. Read Aloud
Was it worth it?
Think about what explorers accomplished by conquering the new
world and the effects exploration had on America. Write a welldeveloped paragraph answering the following question: Was
European Exploration worth it (do the pros outweigh the
Make sure your paragraph has:
1. Thesis statement (answer to the question)
2. 3 supporting details
3. Concluding sentence
Finishing your essay:
1. Read it out loud to yourself
2. Ask at least one other person to read it
3. Add a title at the top of the first page
4. Size 12, readable font
Each time will start out with 10 “Xs.”
The object of the game is to KEEP your “Xs.”
When everyone is quiet, I will ask a question
SIELNTLY write down your answer
I will say “talk with your team”—compare answers, make sure everyone
I will pick a desk number from the hat
If that person answers correctly, they can erase an “X” from another team
Then, they can shoot a basket. If you make it from the first line, erase 1
more “X,” second line 2 “Xs,” third line 3 “Xs.”
*If a team is working together well, I can add an “X.” If a team is off task, I
can delete an “X.”
Why did Columbus sail west across the
Atlantic ocean?
Name 1 think European explorers
Which explorer conquered and
enslaved the Native Americans on the
island of Hispanola?
What country did Francisco Coronado
work for?
Which English explorer claimed
eastern Canada?
Name 2 areas of conflict between
Native Americans and Europeans
Which European explorers traded furs
and beaver pelts with Native
What Native American tribe controlled
upstate New York?
What country did Robert de la Salle
work for?
Which explorer set up the French fur
trading center of Quebec?
Which European explorer marched
7,000 miles searching for the Seven
Cities of Gold?
Name 2 motivations of European
Who sailed across the Atlantic in
Name 2 areas of cooperation between
Native Americans and Europeans
What are the names of Columbus’
three boats?
Name one way the Spanish interacted
with the Native Americans they
Name one obstacle faced by European
Name one way European explorers
cooperated with Native Americas.
Which explorer claimed the
Mississippi River Valley for France?
What are the symptoms of scurvy?
Which French king did Robert de la
Salle name the Mississippi River
Valley after?
How many Taino Indians lived on the
island of Hispanola in 1491?
What are the names of the King and
Queen of Spain in 1492?
What deadly disease did many sailors
catch traveling across the ocean?
Name one way the English interacted
with the Native Americans they
What is one animal that lived with
early people in America?
What is the Beringia Theory?
What is the main artifact of the Clovis
Where is Cactus Hill located?
Why is Cactus Hill significant?
Name one Native American tribe who
lived in the southwest.
Name one cultural trait of the Netsilik
Which Native American tribe built
totem poles out of the cedar trees in
their environment?