WWII Leaders & Vocabulary Study Guide/Quiz

World War II quiz on leaders and vocabulary study guide filled in
This quiz will comprise of 33 questions. Eight matching of leaders and the form of government worth one point each (total
16 points), eight matching of vocab. words worth one point each, nine fill in the blank worth two points each, and eight true
or false worth one point each.
The quiz is scheduled for:
For homework, define/describe the following:
1. Blitzkrieg: Lightning war; German attacks/invasions that were super fast to
overwhelm their enemies
2. Appeasement: giving in to an enemy in order to avoid a fight
3. democracy : Government controlled by the people
4. fascism: form of totalitarian gov’t that has a dictator, demands extreme loyalty
and is often racist
5. Totalitarianism: when the gov’t controls almost everything about your life.
6. Dictator: single person who controls a gov’t/nation and is usually cruel
7. Nazism: German form of fascism during WWII
8. Socialist: form of Government that believes that the state should take care of all
aspects of the peoples’ lives
9. Aryan Supremacy: Nazi belief that the Aryan race was better than everyone else
10. Holocaust: Genocide caused by the Nazis during WWII when they tried to
exterminate all Jews and NON-Aryan in Europe
11. Genocide: systematic murder of an entire group of people based on their race,
ethnicity, political beliefs, etc.
12. anti-Semitism: violence and discrimination against Jews
13. D-day: The allied invasion of the beaches of Normandy France that began the
liberation of Western Europe from the Nazis.
14. Battle of Britain : The Nazi air force attack on London, England that lasted
through the summer of 1940
15. Battle of Stalingrad: turning point in War for Europe where the Allies started
beating the Axis (Germans) by kicking them out of Russia
16. Ration: Limited supplies/products because they are needed for the war effort
(examples: meat, nylon, silk, oil, metals)
17. Kamikaze: Japanese suicide pilots who crashed their planes into their targets to
destroy them
18. Pearl Harbor: U.S. naval base in Hawaii that was attacked by the Japanese,
bringing the U.S. into WWII (December 7, 1941)
19. Invasion: to take an enemy territory by force
20. Battle of Midway: turning point in the war in the Pacific when the Allies (U.S.)
navy finally started winning against the Japanese
21. concentration camp: Nazi places that they tortured and killed 11 million people
during the Holocaust
22. internment camp: U.S. camps where we detained Japanese-Americans during
WWII because we thought they might spy for Japan
23. Lend-Lease: Congress passed a law that allowed us to sell, loan or rent war
supplies to our allies
24. List the causes of WWII: 1. Political instability and economic devastation after
WWI led to the following causes of WWII:
 Worldwide Great Depression
 High war debt owed by Germany (reparations of $33 billion)
 High inflation
 Massive unemployment
25. Name the first country invaded by Germany that started WWII: Poland
For Q 26 – 33, identify the country and form of government for each leader:
(Forms of gov’t.: Socialist, Democracy, Nazism, & Fascism)
26. Chiang Kai-shek
China allied power
Form of Government
27. Winston Churchill Great Britain allied power
28. FDR/Truman
29. Joseph Stalin
Soviet Union/Russia allied power
allied power
30. Benito Mussolini
31. Hideki Tojo
Japan axis power
32. Adolf Hitler
Germany axis power
Nazism (Fascist)
33. Francisco Franco
Spain neutral
axis power