Mrs. Deal Spreadsheet Terms 1. Spreadsheet is an application program that arranges data into columns and rows. One of the main uses of Spreadsheets is to answer WHAT IF…… questions like predicting or forecasting. Three types of data that can be entered into a spreadsheet are values, labels and formulas 2. Value-a number that is entered into a spreadsheet and used for calculations. 3. Label-is text, symbol, date or number NOT used in calculations. 4. Formula-mathematical statement which begins with an equal sign (=) that tells the computer to calculate. 5. Cell-the intersection of a row and column on a spreadsheet where data can be entered. 6. Cell Address-the location of a cell on a spreadsheet, identified by a letter and number, example A4, T8 7. Data Entry Bar or formula bar-bar at the top of the spreadsheet used to enter data into the cell. 8. Enter-to type in or record data in a spreadsheet. 9. Function-a shortcut for the most common mathematical calculations used in a spreadsheet. Examples are SUM, AVG, MIN 10. Graphs-Charts that represent data(ex: pie chart, bar, line) 11. Range-A block of cells on a spreadsheet. 12. Row-the horizontal divisions of a spreadsheet. They are labeled with a number.