Name: ___________________________________ Teacher: __________________________ Elementary Plan Today’s Date:_______________ My Learning Target for this week (essentials focus): _______________________________________ Do Today’s Date:_______________ To help me reach my goal for this learning target , I will: How and when I will measure my learning: _______________________________________ My Performance Goal: _______________________________________ I will celebrate improvement by: Study My data chart is on the next page. Act + What about my strategies helped me learn? ∆ What about my strategies didn’t work? What should I do differently to help me improve my strategies? Did I reach my goal? ___________ Did I improve? __________ Digging A Little Deeper What else should I consider to understand the results of my data? (Consider: attendance, tardiness, norms, mission, difficulty of target, missing prior knowledge, interruptions, homework assignments, attainable goal, other…) Today’s Date: ___________________________