CLASSROOM PDSA Begin cycle date: End Date: (around 2-4 weeks) PLAN Based on the data, our learning target (SCOS objective) for this cycle is: I can We will measure our learning by completing __________ On _____________. Ex. Ticket out the door, foldable, quiz, practice assignment Our Class Performance SMART Goal: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ We will celebrate improvement by: We will celebrate reaching our goal by: DO We will (what are our criteria for success?) We will________________________________ We will________________________________ We will________________________________ The best practices/strategies for success are ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ STUDY (So we know if we reached our goal) Looking at our assessment data from this cycle, Did we improve? ______________________ Did we reach our goal? ______________________ What else should we consider to understand the results of our data? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ (Consider: attendance, tardiness, norms, mission, difficulty of target, missing prior knowledge, interruptions, homework assignments, etc.) Today’s Date: _______ What will we do if we didn’t learn it? ACT Reflecting on our cycle, − + What about our What about our strategies helped us strategies didn’t learn? work? ∆ What can we do differently to improve our strategies? Today’s Date: __________________________