DNA Replication

Name: ___________________________ Date:____________
Objective: - SWBAT explain the process of
DNA Replication.
Questions/Main Ideas:
What is DNA
DNA Replication= the process of making a copy of a DNA molecule
(replicate means to make an exact copy).
- Where? Occurs in the nucleus of the cell (eukaryotes).
- When? Happens during the S phase (Synthesis) of Interphase.
- Synthesis= to make
What are the steps of
DNA Replication?
Remember that DNA is in the shape of a double helix.
Steps of DNA Replication
1. Uncoiling= The DNA must uncoil (spiral → flat ladder).
2. Unzipping= The Hydrogen (H2) bonds between the Nitrogen (N2)
bases are broken (“unzipped”) by an enzyme (helicase), resulting
in 2 separate strands.
3. Template Strands= Each original strand will serve as a template for
a new/ complimentary strand.
4. Complimentary Strands= The DNA molecule then produces two
new complementary strands of code, following the rules of base
pairing. (A=T and G=C)
5. Rezipping= New covalent bonds form between the nucleotides,
resulting in 2 identical DNA strands.
How is the
complementary strand
Making the Complimentary Strand (step 4):
- free DNA Nucleotides match up the complimentary nitrogen bases:
- Adenine bonds with Thymine
- Guanine bonds with Cytosine
- Example: original/ template strand –T A C G T T
complementary – A T G C A A
Outcome: Copy of double stranded DNA; each identical molecule contains
one new (complementary strand) and one old (original) strand of DNA.