Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation

Protestant Reformation and
Catholic Counter-Reformation
Bell Ringer: What is an invention today that is similar to the impact of the
Printing Press?
Lecture: Luther, Calvin, and the Protestant Reformation, Catholic Reformation.
The Medici’s and the Protestant Reformation
Document Analysis: 95 Theses
Council of Trent Primary Source
Reading Quiz next Thursday, Read Chapter 13 (Renaissance only) and All of Chapter
Students will compare and contrast Lutheranism and Calvinism.
Students will analyze Luther’s 95 Theses and the effects on the Catholic Church.
Students will examine the Counter-Reformation and the effects on aspects within the
Catholic Faith.
• Martin Luther believed
he had the one true
vision of the church and
attempted to correct all
other Christians.
• In the end he further
subdivided the church.
The Sale of Indulgences
• In the Catholic faith,
indulgences reduce
penalties due for sins.
• Tetzel, a Dominican
Friar claimed that
indulgences would
automatically remove
guilt and the penalty.
• Luther claims that
indulgences are wrong.
Painting by Carracci
95 Theses
• He forbid the sale of
• Luther felt indulgences
created a middle person
that interfered with God.
• Indulgences cannot get
you out of purgatory, only
God can.
• The focus needed to be
on God, not the Pope or
Pope Leo X
• He was not in a hurry to
deal with Luther.
• “Just a monk”
• He ordered a reply to
the theses, but Luther
increased his attack on
the Papacy.
• 1520, Luther is
Diet of Worms
• 1521, Luther is granted
a hearing to recant his
• He refused, claiming
that Scripture was the
only source for him.
• Then he begins the
Lutheran Church.
• Men and women are
sinful by nature.
• Predestination
– He already has a plan
• Very strict…
– No card games, no
dancing, no bright
clothing, no sleeping in
church, no art, no
Catholic Reformation
• The Catholic Church waited
too long to respond to the
Protestant Reformation.
• Much of Northern England
was lost to the Protestants.
• They sought to attain two
1. Reform the Church
2. Establish countermeasures
against Protestantism.
There was a rigorous campaign
to improve the morals of the
Council of Trent (1545-1563)
• Sought to keep a balance
favorable to Rome.
• Reform and reinvigorate
the church.
• Restated beliefs and
corrected abuses.
• Simony = sale of Church
positions. (outlawed)
• Chastity was restored.
• There was no
compromise with Luther
or Calvin.
Ignatius of Loyola
• Spanish nobleman who
founded a new society
based on service to the
• He became a soldier of
the lord. Founded the
• They took the monastic
views of chastity,
poverty, and obedience
to the pope.