English 8 Vocab Unit 2 anim


English 8

Vocab Unit 2

Roots: anim fin gen, gener, genit pon, pons

Meaning: mind, will, spirit end, boundary, limit birth, kind, class put

Animosity (noun): ill will (usually leading to active opposition); violent hatred

“Marcus lost a little of his animosity and tried to engage Adrian in conversation” (125).

The Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead

Magnanimous (adj): showing greatness or nobility of mind; above what is low or petty; forgiving; generous

“Every family was expected to make a magnanimous donation to its coffers” (15).

Masquerade by Melissa de la Cruz

Confine (verb): keep within limits; restrict

“He peered around the chamber, seeking the source of the sound. In the echoing confines of

The System, it was difficult to pinpoint a specific noise” (3).

After the Red Rain by Lyga, Farinelli, and DeFranco

Finale (noun): end or final part of a musical composition, opera, play, etc.

“’So you’re suggesting,’ Imogen said carefully, ‘that the

finale of my dark fantasy should be about a character whose farts are magic?’” (96) –Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld

Postpone (verb): to put something off to a later time

Mrs. Schiavo, Mrs. Banasik, and Mrs. Donohue had to postpone the last vocabulary quiz, but this one will for sure happen at the scheduled time.

Imposition (noun): putting your needs ahead of someone else; something that is a burden to others

Lily did not consider the fact that constantly borrowing Jack’s sweatshirt was an imposition .

The sweatshirt was too warm and comfortable.

Genre (noun): kind; sort; category

“The doctors decide it’s time for a new genre

. Jazz wins” (36).

If I Stay by Gayle Forman

Regenerate (verb): cause to be born again; put new life into; reform completely

“’Unfortunately, muscle damage usually takes longer to heal. Though your rate of regeneration seems weirdly fast, I must say’” (129).
