Name_______________________ Antebellum/Jackson Era Reformers Speed-Dating Insert a picture of me here: Who am I: How do I pronounce my name: (you can have that fancy new thing called the internet pronounce it for you) [Know how to pronounce your name] When was I born: Where was I born: When and how did I die: What was my role in the mid-19th Century? Politician, professional, slave, author, teacher, journalists….etc Was I social, economic, or political reformer? (or other?) What are my GOALS? What were my political beliefs? Role of Federal/State Government, advocate for certain types of change….etc Who were my close allies? What politically, economically, and socially is going on in the world around me: What is (are) my major contributions to the Jackson Era/Age of the Common Man (this will be extensive here): Legislation, Publications, Est. Organizations…etc. What phrases or statements is most closely matched to me or embodies what I believe: (FIND TWO) *primary source What is an interesting, strange, unusual or little known fact about me: Ideas for props/artifacts to bring to speed dating: Cite 3 sources for your information below: