Environmental Science 9 Week Plan/Nov.5-December2015 DATES Topic Nov. 6-15 Water Quality and Trout in the Classroom Learning Objective Students will be able to: A. Collect water quality data from Sugarland Run Stream to determine the health of the stream. B. Set up and raise brook trout for release in May2016. C. Begin writing water quality paper for Semester paper. Eutrophication, Nutrient Cycles and Limiting Factors. A. Define eutrophication , nutrient cycles and limiting factors. B. Understand how limiting factors can affect populations. Nov. 18- December. Approximate Dates of Summative Assessments Unit Assessment 11/20 and First draft of paper 11/26 Journal Assessment Unit Assessment: First week in Dec. 2015 Semester Paper and Studying Bird Populations DecemberJanuary2016 A. Define the importance of birds in an ecosystem. Journal Assessment OTTW: Great Backyard Bird count with Cornell University.