ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Language Arts Top 10 EC Priority Knowledge Targets ISS Student Friendly E, M, I, Learning Target (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. Competency Goal 1: The learner will use language to express individual perspectives through analysis of personal, social, cultural, and historical issues. Writing 1.01 - Narrate a personal account. Reading 1.02 Analyze expressive materials that are read, heard, and/or viewed. M E 1st Semester *2.01.1 – Informational *3.01.1 – Argumentative *4.01.1 – Critical 1.03 - Interact in group activities and/or seminars. E- Essential M – Maintenance M Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets 1.01 I can tell a story about myself. 1.02.1 - I can check to make sure I understand what I read, hear and see. Key Concepts: Active listener Monitor characteristics Make connections Inferences Significant Annotated list Formal/informal writing 1.03 I can work with others as a team to improve learning. I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/10 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Language Arts Top 10 EC Priority Knowledge Targets ISS Student Friendly E, M, I, Learning Target (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 1.04 - Reflect on learning experiences. E 1st Semester Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets 1.04 I can think about and express what I learned and how I learned it. Key Concepts: Clarification Supporting details Emotional factor Elaboration Competency Goal 2: The learner will use and evaluate information from a variety of sources. E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/10 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Language Arts Top 10 EC Priority Knowledge Targets ISS Student Friendly E, M, I, Learning Target (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 2.01 - Analyze and evaluate informational materials that are read, heard, and/or viewed. E 1st Semester E 1st Semester E 1st Semester E- Essential M – Maintenance Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets 2.01.3 – I can identify the details and main idea and summarize the selection. 2.01.7 – I can identify the topics covered in the selection and evaluate the important information in the selection. 2.01.8 – I can explain the ideas presented by the author and reach beyond the ideas in the selection to create new ideas on my own. Key Concepts: generalization, relevant details, main idea, characteristics of informational material, summarize, monitor understanding, inferences. I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/10 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Language Arts Top 10 EC Priority Knowledge Targets ISS Student Friendly E, M, I, Learning Target (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 2.02 - Use multiple sources of print and non-print information to explore and create research products in both written and presentational forms. Competency Goal 3: The learner will continue to refine the understanding and use of argument. E 2nd Semester 2.02 – I can use a variety of sources in researching and creating a multimedia presentation. 3.01 - Explore and evaluate argumentative works that are read, heard, and/or viewed. E 2nd Semester 3.01.2 – I can define argument, critical stance, fact/opinion, and bias. *4.01.4 – evaluating the effects of author’s craft E 2nd Semester 3.01.4 – I can recognize the effects of bias, emotional factors, and word choice (semantic slanting). 3.01.6 – I can define tone and style. E 2nd Semester E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets 06/10 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Language Arts Top 10 EC Priority Knowledge Targets ISS Student Friendly E, M, I, Learning Target (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. E 2nd Semester 3.02 - Continue to explore and analyze the use of the problem-solution process. M Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets 3.01.7 – I can understand author’s purpose and critical stance. Key Concepts: critical stance, fact/opinion, bias, semantic slanting, tone, style, author’s purpose, evaluate, argument, stereotype, tone, style, descriptive language, literary device, dialogue, emotional factor. 3.02 – I can study and understand the parts of the problem solving process. Key Concepts: Conflict resolution E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/10 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Language Arts Top 10 EC Priority Knowledge Targets ISS Student Friendly E, M, I, Learning Target (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 3.03 - Evaluate and create arguments that persuade. E 2nd Semester Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets 3.03 – I can determine the effectiveness of and create arguments that get others to agree with my point of view. Key Concepts: Target audience Context, voice Competency Goal 4: The learner will continue to refine critical thinking skills and create criteria to evaluate print and non-print materials. E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/10 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Language Arts Top 10 EC Priority Knowledge Targets ISS Student Friendly E, M, I, Learning Target (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 4.01 - Analyze the purpose of the author or creator and the impact of that purpose. E 2nd Semester 4.01.2 – I can judge the author’s position based on his/her word choice and use of propaganda techniques. E 2nd Semester 4.01.3 – I can evaluate what the author believes to be true based on the selection. *4.01.4 – effect of author’s craft 4.02 – Analyze, develop (with limited assistance) and apply appropriate criteria to evaluate the quality of the communication. *2.01.6 – drawing inferences from informational materials *3.01.5 – drawing inferences from argumentative materials E- Essential M – Maintenance E 1st semester Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets Key Concepts: propaganda techniques, inference, stereotype, target audience, editorial, persuasion author’s craft, assumption/perception 4.02.2 – Based on the text, I can draw conclusions and determine the consequences of the author’s stance. Key Concepts: evidence, criteria, implications, consequences I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/10 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Language Arts Top 10 EC Priority Knowledge Targets ISS Student Friendly E, M, I, Learning Target (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 4.03 - Use the stance of a critic. E 2nd semester Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets 4.03.01 – I can understand point of view and consider alternative perspectives. Key Concepts: point of view, alternative thought, objective/fair minded Competency Goal 5: The learner will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes. E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/10 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Language Arts Top 10 EC Priority Knowledge Targets ISS Student Friendly E, M, I, Learning Target (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 5.01 - Increase fluency, comprehension, and insight through a meaningful and comprehensive literacy program. E 1st semester 5.01.7 – I can define, recognize and understand these key vocabulary terms: plot theme characterization style mood tone E 1st Semester 5.01.8 – I can define, identify, and apply these key vocabulary terms: figurative language dialogue flashback allusion irony symbolism allegory *3.01.6 – effectiveness of tone, style, and language usage E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets 06/10 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Language Arts Top 10 EC Priority Knowledge Targets ISS Student Friendly E, M, I, Learning Target (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. E 2nd Semester E 2nd Semester E- Essential M – Maintenance Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets 5.01.9 - I can break down and figure out the themes and central ideas in what I read and how it relates to me and my world. Key Concepts: theme, reading strategies determined by type of text, context clues 5.01.11 –I can identify the relationships between characters, ideas, beliefs, and experiences within a text and evaluate their importance to me and the world around me. Key Concepts: connections, characterization, compare and contrast I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/10 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Language Arts Top 10 EC Priority Knowledge Targets ISS Student Friendly E, M, I, Learning Target (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 5.02- Study the characteristics of literary genres (fiction, nonfiction, drama, and poetry). E 1st Semester Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets 5.02.2- I can determine how the characteristics of different types of literature can change the meaning of what I read, view, or hear. Key Concepts: genre characteristics EG: fiction, nonfiction, drama, poetry, short story, biography, free verse Competency Goal 6: The learner will apply conventions of grammar and language usage. E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/10 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Language Arts Top 10 EC Priority Knowledge Targets ISS Student Friendly E, M, I, Learning Target (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 6.01 Model an understanding of conventional written and spoken expression. E 1st Semester *6.01.7 – extending vocabulary 6.02 - Continue to identify and edit errors in spoken and written English. M Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets 6.01.1 – I can identify correct punctuation and sentence types. Key Concepts: appositives, sentence types, fragments, pronouns, antecedents, comma splices, prepositional phrases, run-ons, subject/verb agreement, verb tense, parts of speech, dialect, clauses, prefixes, suffixes, roots 6.02 – I can revise and edit written and spoken language. Key Concepts: proofreading marks, peer editing, spelling errors, parallel structure. ACADEMIC VOCABULARY: Goal One: Goal Two: Goal Three: Goal Four: Goal Five: Goal Six: biography, connotative meaning, paraphrase relevant details, caption, chronology critical stance, shades of meaning, excerpt propaganda techniques, generalization, emotional factor, criticism, author’s bias, stereotype allusion, foreshadowing, literary device, irony, biographical sketch, climax, allegory, alliteration, diction, hyperbole, internal/external conflict, metaphor plagiarism, irregular verb, sentence structure E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/10