Post World War II Economy

Post World War II Economy
Economic Growth
Following World War II, the United States had a booming
economy because factories that had spent nearly 10 years
producing war goods could now make consumer products.
Soldiers arriving home from the war returned to their jobs in the
factories, and women went home to care for growing families.
Record numbers of these men joined labor unions, which
helped to improve worker benefits and salaries.
American technology improved in the post-war years, and
countries all over the world wanted to buy these new American
products. At home, Americans also rushed to purchase new
technology, such as televisions and refrigerators. Most people
were able to afford these products by purchasing them on
Quick Quiz
Check the consumer goods to indicate the shift in production following the war.
_____ machine guns
_____ cars
_____ shoes
_____ TVs
_____ tanks
_____ planes
_____ books
_____ designer clothing
Name two things workers gained after World War II as labor unions merged and
became more powerful:
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________