Securing Green INFOGRAPHIC 1 May 2023 Transition of the TEXTILE & READYMADE GARMENTS SECTOR IN BANGLADESH WHAT MOTIVATES FACTORIES TO ATTAIN GREEN BUILDING/PRODUCTION/PROCESS CERTIFICATION HOW FACTORIES ARE ADOPTING GREEN INITIATIVES A SNAPSHOT Factories with green building certificate CPD carried out a nationwide survey which covered owners and managers of 403 factories in Bangladesh. Of these, 182 were RMG and 221 were textile factories. Additionally, a total of 4,541 workers and supervisors were interviewed as part of this survey. 16.87% 56.47% 67.66% Increased Competitiveness Self-Motivation Factories that do not have any green building certificate but want to obtain in the future Self-Motivation Marketing Strategy Increased Competitiveness RMG 43.53% 32.34% SMALL & MEDIUM 17.5% 3.0% 15.3% Sustainability Practice Factories with green product/ material/ resources/production process certificate Increased Competitiveness MICRO WHETHER FACTORIES KNOW ABOUT GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION? 80.7% Marketing Strategy Buyer’s Requirement 83.13% LARGE Buyer’s Requirement Textile SIZE AND TYPE OF SURVEYED FACTORIES Sustainability Practice Marketing Strategy SelfMotivation Buyer’s Influence Buyer’s Requirement Factories that want to obtain green product/ material/resources/production process certificate in future Self-Motivation Increased Competitiveness Marketing Strategy Buyer’s Requirement LARGE SMALL & MEDIUM MICRO TOTAL Buyer’s Influence 10.6% 8.9% LARGE SMALL & MEDIUM MICRO EMBEDDEDNESS OF GREEN POLICIES WITHIN FACTORIES 26.1% 90.4% DO FACTORY EMPLOYEES RECEIVE GREEN-RELATED TRAINING? TOTAL MAJOR FACTORS INFLUENCING FACTORIES’ GREEN INVESTMENT DECISIONS WHETHER OWNERS OR MANAGERS HAVE TRAINING OR DEGREE RELATED TO SUSTAINABILITY OR GREEN PRACTICE 25.6% 26.8% 28.0% factories’ strategic objectives mention environmental sustainability issues to prevent future health and environmental damage factories have clear policies promoting environmental sustainability or awareness in all functional areas factories identify environmental protection as its corporate social responsibility GREEN INVESTMENT OUT OF TOTAL INVESTMENT IN LAST FIVE YEARS WHETHER ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY HAS BEEN SET AS A STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE WHETHER ENEGY CONSERVATION TARGETS HAVE BEEN SET Green LARGE FACTORIES 37.0% SMALL & MEDIUM FACTORIES 44.8% MICRO FACTORIES 54.0% Investment MAJOR AREAS OF GREEN INVESTMENT BY FACTORIES ENERGY CONSERVATION TECHNOLOGY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TECHNOLOGY RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY Energy BUILDING LEVEL ENERGY METER Water Green Transition of the TEXTILE & READYMADE GARMENTS SECTOR IN BANGLADESH DUST POLLUTION CONTROL TECHNOLOGY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BUILDING LEVEL WATER METER Securing Air Waste Management Technology WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT FOR DETAILS Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) House 40/C, Road 11 (new) Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh Telephone: (+88 02) 48118090, 55001185, 58156979 E-mail: cpdbd CPDBangladesh