Results of the Spanish American War

Results of the Spanish American War
Isolationism – national policy of avoiding
involvement in world affairs
Imperialism – one nation controlling a weaker
The United States emerged as a world power.
The US proved to the world that its military
was strong and well organized. Other
countries began to see the US as a leader,
instead of a weak “new” country.
Cuba gained its independence from Spain.
The US response to the Sinking of the USS
Maine was swift and one-sided. The Spanish
were defeated quickly and the US declared
Cuba a free nation on August 12, 1898.
Pop Rocks Go Pop
The United States gained possession of the
Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico. The
United States’ defeat of the Spanish Navy
extended into the Pacific Ocean. The US
gained controlled of these three islands
formally held by the Spanish.
(See the map below!)