Name: ______________________ Date:____________ Block:__________ Check-In Formative Partner Quiz

Name: ______________________ Date:____________ Block:__________
Standards CE.6, CE.7, CE.8 (National, State, Local Government)
Check-In Formative Partner Quiz
National Government
 What are the three branches of government?
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 What is the governing body of the legislative branch called?
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 What are the two houses of the legislative branch?
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 What kind of legislature is this governing body?
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 How many Representatives are there in Congress?
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 How many Senators are there in Congress?
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 What are five (5) duties of the federal legislature?
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 What are “expressed powers”?
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 What are “implied” powers?
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 What are the steps (in order) for Congress to make a law?
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 Interest groups and who/what else help shape legislation?
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 Who is the leader of the executive branch?
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 What has happened to presidential power since ratification of the Constitution?
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 What are four ways the executive branch influences policymaking?
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What are four (4) duties of the executive branch?
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What are some of the roles the president plays in exercising power?
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Who is included in the judicial branch (other than the Supreme Court)?
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What is judicial review?
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Federal courts try cases involving federal law and questions involving interpretation of
the ______________________________________________.
Checks and Balances / Separation of Powers
 In which Articles of the United States Constitution are the powers of the three branches
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 What is the meaning of “checks and balances”?
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 How does Congress check the President?
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 How does Congress check the judicial branch?
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 How does the President check Congress?
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 How does the President check the judicial branch?
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 How does the Supreme Court check Congress?
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 How does the Supreme Court check the President?
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State Government
o What is the legislative branch of the Virginia state government?
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o What are the two houses in the Virginia state legislature?
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o Who is the leader of the state executive branch?
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o Who is second-in-command in the state executive branch?
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o What are the four levels of state courts?
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o What are the primary issues in the legislative process at the state level?
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o What are some of the roles the governor fills as leader of the state executive branch?
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o What do cabinet secretaries and departments, agencies, commissions, and regulatory
boards do?
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Local Government
o What are the units of local government in Virginia?
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o Which group exercises legislative powers in counties?
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o Which groups oversee operation of K-12 public schools?
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o Which groups exercise legislative powers in cities and towns?
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o Who may be hired by the elected legislative branch to oversee local operations?
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o Who resolves judicial disputes in all Virginia localities?
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o Voters in every locality elect each of the following:
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o Virginia local governments exercise defined and limited powers, including:
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o Powers of local governments are given by the Virginia Constitution and:
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o What lists the powers of cities?
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o Who has the greatest influence on decisions made by local government officials?
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o Which level of government is supreme in the United States?
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o Where are powers not given to the national government reserved?
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o What are the primary responsibilities of the national government?
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o What are the primary responsibilities of the state government?
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o Are there certain powers that no government in the United States has?
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SCORE: _______ / 100