ERVC Pt 1 Study Guide


ERVC Pt 1 Study Guide

Know the names of the rivers for Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus, and China

Know the name of the first code of law and the civilization that created it

Know the definition of a theocracy

Know why Hammurabi’s code is significant

Know the location on a map of the ERVC rivers and civilizations

Know the civilization that had monsoons

Know why the cities of Mesopotamia were not destroyed annually

Know which civilization created the calendar and number system

Know who founded the first empire

Know who united lower and upper Egypt

Know the definition of a dynasty

Know what slavery was based during this time

Know why the ERVC’s became the centers of early civilizations

Know how the plow and pottery effected the early civilizations

Know what geographic feature is most important in the ERVC’s

Know what ERVC had city-states

Know which mountains separated the ERVC’s

Know which ERVC was geographically isolated

Know which civilization created Cuneiform

Know why the ERVC’s developed by rivers

Know the definition of the Mandate of Heaven

Know the characteristics of society in Mohenjo-Daro

Know the characteristics of society in Ancient China

Know the characteristics of ancient civilizations

Know the advantages of ancient Chinese writing

Know the characteristics of Paleolithic man

Know where and why the Agricultural Revolution started

Know the characteristics of Neolithic society

Know the characteristics of Feudalism

ERVC Pt 1 Study Guide

Know the environmental challenges of the ERVC’s and be able to explain them

Be able to compare/contrast the geography, technology and society of the ERVC’s

Be able to label on a map the Tigris, Euphrates, Nile, Huang He, Yangtze, and Indus rivers

Be able to label on a map Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus, and China
