ISS Curriculum Guide Middle School Grades – Healthful Living Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) 1 I will participate in pre and post Fitnessgram tests, look at my results, and create a plan to increase my fitness scores to a healthier level; and I will check my heart rate during exercise. Priority E, I, N, M E 9.01 Complete a valid and reliable pre and post healthenhancing fitness assessment, examine the data and develop a plan to show personal improvement toward achievement of fitness scores at an acceptable level, including monitoring of the heart. 2 I can define aerobic, anaerobic, body composition, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance E- Essential I – Important Knowledge Targets Know how to perform each Fitnessgram test. (curl up test, pacer test, sit and reach, trunk lift and push up test) Know the healthy fitness zone standards. Know how to take your pulse. Ex. I know how to perform all 6 Fitnessgram tests correctly. E N – Nice to Know Reasoning Targets Evaluate individual scores on each Fitnessgram assessment. Compare scores to the healthy Fitness zone standards. Compare pre and post individual scores. Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets Correctly perform Fitnessgram assessments. Develop a Personal Fitness Improvement Plan Monitor heart rate during exercise. Ex. I will create a Personal Fitness Plan. Ex. I can take my heart rate during exercise. Ex. I understand how my scores compare to the Healthy Fitness Zone. Define aerobic, anaerobic, body composition, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular M – Maintenance 6/08 ISS Curriculum Guide Middle School Grades – Healthful Living Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) Priority E, I, N, M 9.02 Demonstrate knowledge of the terms aerobic and anaerobic, body composition, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance. 3 I can develop a plan to improve my overall fitness level. I – Important Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets Evaluate personal fitness level. Perform Fitnessgram Test. Develop a Personal fitness improvement plan Ex. I understand my fitness level when compared to the healthy standard. Ex. I can complete the Fitnessgram test. strength and endurance. I can define aerobic, anaerobic, body composition, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance. E 9.03 Develop a strategy to improve personal level of fitness within each of the five components. E- Essential Knowledge Targets N – Nice to Know Know the five components of health-related fitness. (body composition, muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular endurance and flexibility) Know personal fitness level. Ex. I know the 5 parts of health related fitness. M – Maintenance Ex. I will create a personal fitness plan. 6/08 ISS Curriculum Guide Middle School Grades – Healthful Living Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) Priority E, I, N, M 4 I can list ways to be more active E 4.08 Identify ways to increase daily physical activity and decrease inactivity. Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets Know daily physical activity requirements. List ways to increase physical activity and decrease inactivity. Identify various types of physical activity. 5 I can choose healthy foods and plan balanced meals. E 4.01 Demonstrate the ability to successfully select healthy food choices and plan meals that emphasize the principles of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 6 I can describe the likes and differences between protein, E- Essential I – Important Ex. I know different types of physical activity. Know the principles of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Identify healthy foods. Evaluate a food's nutritional value. Ex. I understand how to determine a foods nutritional value. Ex. I can name healthy foods. E N – Nice to Know Describe the essential nutrients. M – Maintenance Plan healthy meals with appropriate serving sizes for food and beverage in each food group. Ex. I can plan a balanced healthy meal with correct serving sizes for food and beverages. Identify examples for the essential 6/08 ISS Curriculum Guide Middle School Grades – Healthful Living Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) Priority E, I, N, M fats, and carbohydrates. 4.04 Compare and contrast the similarities and differences among proteins, fats, and carbohydrates regarding nutritional value and food sources. 7 I can explain the connection between physical activity and my weight. E 7.04 Determine the link between physical activity and weight control. 8 I can describe why regular physical activity is important E- Essential I – Important E N – Nice to Know Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets (carbohydrates, fats, protein, water, vitamins, and minerals nutrients. Ex. I know how to describe the essential nutrients. Evaluate a food's nutritional value. Know the recommended daily calorie requirements. Know the recommended physical activity requirements. Ex. I understand how caloric intake and exercise affects my weight. Ex. I know what a calorie is. Know the benefits of regular physical activity. Compare the benefits of being physically active and being M – Maintenance Product Targets Compare likes and differences. Ex. I understand how to list examples of nutrients. Analyze the relationship between physical activity and calorie intake, and its effects on weight control. Define calorie and B.M.I Performance/ Skill Targets Being regularly physically active. 6/08 ISS Curriculum Guide Middle School Grades – Healthful Living Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) Priority E, I, N, M 8.04 Demonstrate the importance and value of regular physical activity. 9 6.06 Demonstrate competence in skills needed for individual physical activity. 10 I can use my skills to play in team games. I can list places other than school where I can be physically active. E- Essential I – Important Know sport specific skill techniques, rules and strategies. Ex. I understand how physical activity helps me be healthy. Formulate game strategies and skills necessary for individual activity. Ex. I know the rules. Ex. I understand how to follow the rules. E 6.05 Demonstrate competence in skills needed for team sports through small-sided games. 11 Reasoning Targets inactive. Ex. I know the benefits of regular exercise. E I can use my skills to participate in individual physical activity. Knowledge Targets Know sport specific skill technique, rules and strategies. Ex. I know the rules. E N – Nice to Know Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets Ex. I can be physically active daily. Perform skills in individual physical activity. Ex. I can participate in individual physical activity. Formulate game strategies. Perform skills in modified game play. Ex. I can follow the rules. Ex. I can play in team activities. List community resources. ex YMCA, Parks and Recreation, etc M – Maintenance 6/08 ISS Curriculum Guide Middle School Grades – Healthful Living Top 10 EC Priority E, I, N, M ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets I know the names of places other than my school where I can be physically active. 8.01 Identify resources in the community that can be accessed to maintain a physically active lifestyle. . I I understand the negative effects of violence. Knowledge Targets Define violence Define perpetrator, victim, bystander 3.01 Predict short- and long-term negative consequences of violence to perpetrators, victims, and bystanders. List short-term and long-term negative consequences of violence Predict consequences of violence Ex. "I understand the consequences of violent behavior." Ex. "I can define violence." I can define and list the benefits of abstinence. I Define abstinence Analyze the benefits of abstinence List the benefits of abstinence E- Essential I – Important N – Nice to Know M – Maintenance 6/08 ISS Curriculum Guide Middle School Grades – Healthful Living Top 10 EC Priority E, I, N, M ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) 3.06 Define abstinence as voluntarily refraining from intimate sexual contact that could result in unintended pregnancy or disease and analyze the benefits of abstinence from sexual activity until marriage. I can deal with peer pressure when making decisions about abstinence. 3.10 Demonstrate techniques and strategies for becoming or remaining abstinent by dealing with peer pressure I can include and be considerate of everyone in my class. Ex. I know the meaning and benefits of abstinence. I I – Important Define abstinence Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets Ex. I understand why it's important to be abstinent. Defend personal choices Implement refusal skills Ex. "I know what refusal skills are." Ex. "I can defend my own personal choices." Ex. "I will be able to role play refusal skills." Define Diversity, Culture, Race, Prejudice, Disability Understand individual differences Demonstrate sensitivity to the needs of others List ways to be sensitive to the needs of others Understand individual needs Ex. "I will include all of my classmates in any activity." List refusal skills I 10.01 Invites all students, regardless of ability, race, gender, etc., to participate in physical activity and displays sensitivity to the E- Essential Knowledge Targets N – Nice to Know M – Maintenance 6/08 ISS Curriculum Guide Middle School Grades – Healthful Living Top 10 EC Priority E, I, N, M ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) needs and feelings of others during physical activities I know how to act safely while participating in group activity I 10.03 Recognizes physical activity as a positive opportunity for social and group interaction to promote a safe school environment. I I can display good sportsmanship. 10.04 Engage in fair play and show self-control by accepting a controversial decision. I can use my decision making skills to prevent injuries. E- Essential I – Important Knowledge Targets Ex. "I can identify individual differences in others." Define Sportsmanship, Tolerance, Safety, and Cooperation. Ex. "I can define Sportsmanship, Tolerance, Safety, and Cooperation." Define sportsmanship Define controversial List traits of a good sport I N – Nice to Know Ex. "I can define sportsmanship." Know how to identify risks M – Maintenance Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets Ex. "I understand the individual differences and needs of others." Interpret good sportsmanship Model fair play and self control Ex. "I understand how to be a good sport." Ex. "I will demonstrate good sportsmanship." Make a decision based on possible risk. 6/08 ISS Curriculum Guide Middle School Grades – Healthful Living Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) Priority E, I, N, M 2.04 Analyze how the interaction of individual behaviors, the environment, and other factors cause or prevent injuries. E- Essential I – Important N – Nice to Know Knowledge Targets Know the decision making process Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Product Targets Ex. "I can make decisions to reduce risky behavior." Ex. "I can identify risky behaviors." M – Maintenance 6/08