World History II FINAL REVIEW WHAT EMPIRE IS LOCATED AT 3 WHAT EMPIRE IS LOCATED AT 7 GREECE what mountain range lies there? BALKANS WHAT EMPIRE IS LOCATED 6 PORTUGAL WHAT EMPIRE IS LOCATED AT 1 WHAT EMPIRE IS LOCATED AT 5, and what rebirth of knowledge began here? Russia China Aztec Represented by what city? Tenochtitlan Ruled by an emperor who did this for the Gods? Sacrifices Incans What mountain chain lies in the Incan Empire? Andes Represented by what City? Manchu Picchu Monotheistic or Poly? Poly How they get through The mountains Road System Songhai Mughal Ottoman Empire Rebirth of knowledge from the ______-_________ period GRECO ROMAN Renaissance marks the beginning of the _______ world Modern Renaissance starts in Italy spreads to________ Europe De Vinci Michelangelo -author of plays such as Romeo and Juliet, King Leer, Julius Caesar. Shakespeare Wrote what form of poetry? Sonnets Erasmus-father of Humanism-poet Father of Humanism Book? Praise of Folley Judaism 1.Book? • Torah 2. Leader? • Abraham 3. Practices? Christianity 1. Book? Bible - New Testament 2. Leader? Jesus Islam Kaaba (city?) Mecca Islam 1. Book? Koran 2. Leader? Muhammad 3. Practices? Five Pillars 1. Faith 2. Giving of Alms 3. Pilgrimage = Hajj 4. Fasting during Ramandan 5. Prayer 5 times a day toward? Mecca Hinduism 1. Book? Upanishads And Vedas Origin 2. Leader? Many Gods 3. Practices? Caste System (Reach englightenment?) MOEKSHA Location in World? India Buddhism Leader? Siddhartha Gautama Doctrines *8 fold path and 4 noble truths (what are they?) 1. All life is _________ Suffering 2. Suffering comes from _ Desires 3. To end suffering end your __________ Desires 4. Follow the ________ path Middle or eight fold path Trade Routes – Silk Road What type of trade route does the Indian Ocean represent? Maritime Trans-Saharan Routes What sea did Northern Europe connect to in a trade route? Black Sea What trade route is this? South China, South Asian Trade Route What was traded from this area? SPICES What was the most important things trade routes spread? Ideas Advancements through trade Paper, compass, silk, porcelain (From)? (China) Textiles, numeral system (From)? (India/Middle East) Scientific transfer (Advancements?) Medicine, astronomy, mathematics Challenges of the Church leading to the Reformation 1. Sale of this for forgiveness of sins Indulgences 2. Merchant view of this on their interest USURY 3. The Churches great _________ and _____. POWER, WEALTH 4. Germany and England disliked _________ domination of church ITALIAN 3 Beliefs of Martin Luther Salvation by faith alone Bible ultimate authority Everyone is created equal What Church does Martin Luther begin? Protestant Martin Luther wrote? 95 Thesis Begins the _______ movement Protestant Dissenter b/4 Luther who translated Bible Wycliffe Dissenter b/4 Luther who had views of ecclesiology, Jan Huss Calvin, beliefs? 1. Predestination 2. Hard Work Ethic What religion does he spread? Protestant 3. Faith revealed by living a _________ life Moral or righteous King Henry VIII Gains _____ in England when the Catholic church leaves LAND Starts what Church? National Church of England - Gave Freedom to worship in France? Edict of Nantes Part of the Catholic Counter Reformation where one had to be Catholic or be persecuted? Inquisition Queen Elizabeth 1. Makes the __________Church official church of England Anglican 2. Gives Freedom to __________ in England. Worship to dissenters Defeated the _______ Armada (strongest navy in world Spanish Expanded with colonialism hires ________ (English Explorer Drake Turns focus of 30 years War into Political one Cardinal Richelou Who is 30 years war b/t? Protestants and Catholics What major family in Germany was a factor in this war? HAPBURG Catholic Counter Reformation Society of Jesus (Jesuits) was founded to spread Catholic doctrine around world When was this The Inquisition was established to enforce church doctrine Results of Reformation Religious tolerance Worldly View? Secularism People thinking for themselves? Individualism Opened a navigation school in Portugal? Prince Henry Goes around Africa to get to India? Vasco De Gama Spanish explorer thought he was going to India Columbus Spanish Explorer who conquered the Aztecs? Cortez Spanish explorer who will conquer the Incan Empire?? Pizarro 1st fleet around the world Ferdinand Magellan English Pirate with 2nd Fleet around the world Drake French Explorer? Jacques Cartier Where will he go? Canada and St. Lawrence What Disease? Who does it kill?\ Small pox Native American/ Indigenous People Slave ship: What passage? What were conditions like Middle Passage Awful, Terrible, Crowded What Trade Triangle Trade Name three products that go to Africa Corn, Peanuts, Manufactured goods What Exchange? Corn and Potatoes to Europe Horses, Cattle, Wheat to Americas Columbian Exhange 1. Age of discovery leads to Columbian Exchange 2. Columbian Exchange: transfer of plants, animals and disease between ________ and ___world Old World and New world 3. Commercial Revolution: rise of modern _________system, currency, Banking system 4. Mercantilism: colonies exist solely to benefit of the _______ country, more wealth & land = more power Mother What system is going to destroy indigenous economies and hurt the environment that comes from colonial powers? Plantation system Muslim Empire on Asia Minor Ottoman Empire Mehmet capturing Important city? Constantinople, Which becomes Istanbul Ottoman Empire Locate on __________ Minor Asia, What religion was the Ottoman Empire? Islam What two products did they trade in? Coffee and Ceramics Taj Mahal What empire is it located in? Mughal What religion is Mughal empire? Islam The Mughals were descended from what group of people? Mongols What Indian item influenced trade with Britain? Textiles China/Japan want to be this with foreign nations? Isolationsim Set up Foreign _______________ to control trade Enclaves China and Japan tried to Limit the influence of what Group of people in their Countries? Merchants Japanese Feudalism Shogunates, what was Foreign Policy? What type of leader was the shogun? Military Isolationism, during Imperialism who opens them up to trade? U.S.A What Theory, and person Heliocentric Copernicus -Planetary Motion Kepler Galileo, what happens to him? Arrested for using the telescope Laws of Gravity - Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica Newton Circulation of Blood? William Harvey Francis Bacon and Des Cartes Developed the Scientific Method The Sun King!! Absolute Monarch of France Louis XIV Palace Of Versailles Frederick The Great This is the Prussian Monarch? What does build up to show his power? MILITARY Peter the Great What does he want to do to Russia? WESTERNIZE FOUNDATIONS OF ENGLISH FREEDOMS 1.Magna _________ Carta 2. ___________ Trial Jury 3. __________ Law Common English Civil War leads to Decapitation of_______ Charles I Military Dictator in England that gets rid of Charles I Oliver Cromwell, What religion was he? Puritan What is period referred to as when they bring back the monarchy in England? Restoration Who did they bring back? Charles II Who comes back during the Glorius Revolution William and Mary What religion were William and Mary Protestant William and Mary sign ________ English Bill of Rights Signed 1689 No suspending of Parliaments laws No taxing without Parliaments consent Freedom of ______for Parliament Speech Citizens can petition King for grievances ENLIGHTENMENT Inspires American and ________Revolutions French Uses reason and observation to observe human world Moves away from _________thought Religous Characterized by such guys Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire, Montesquieu Thomas Hobbes! What form of government did he advocate for? Strong Monarch/King Humans are Primitive and want a gov’t for what? PROTECTION Writes Two Treatises on Government? John Locke Believes that who is Sovereign/ has the power? People Montesquieu – What form of government does he believe in? Separation of Powers What book does he write? Spirit of Laws This man wrote “The Social Contract” Jacques Rousseau Gov’t is a contract between people and who? Ruler Man believed in Separation of Church and state? Voltaire Also, believed in Freedom of what? Speech King during the French Revolution? Louis XVI What were reasons for the French Revolution? 1.Influenced by ____________ Movement Enlightenment, 2.Motivated by _____ Rev American Storming of_________ Bastille This is similar to what American Holiday? July 4 Robespierre – leads the _________ during the French Revolution Reign of Terror One result of the Fr. Revolution will be ____________ rise to power. NAPOLEON Builds his military through________ NATIONALISM Napoleon tries to unite ______ (fails) Europe Forced to retreat at _____ Russia Last battle is at __________ Waterloo Exiled to St. Helena Napoleon leaves behind Napoleon inspires ___________ in Europe Nationalism Napoleonic ________: set of civil laws introduced by Napoleon throughout Europe Code Slave Revolt Who leads a revolution here? Toussainst Louverture What imperial nation does he kick out? Hint napoleon led) France South America Liberated by ______ ________ A)• Liberated the northern areas of Latin America. Simon Bolivar ( The Liberator) Priest who liberates Mexico? Miguel Hidalgo Nations of Latin America Number 1 =Brazil Number 2= mexico Number 3 = Haiti Number 4 = Columbia Number 5 = Venezuela Age of _________ witnessed new innovations and inventions 1. Who were the Composers? 2. Who wrote first novel? And what was it? 3. Who paints Liberty Leading the People? Bach and Mozart Miguel Cervantes Eugene De La Croix Eugene Delacroix Liberty Leading the People, 28 July 1830 by ______ He is what form of painter? Romantic Nationalism Who unites the Following area? Count Cavour What year are revolutions in Europe protesting Congress of Vienna? 1848 Who unites the following area Garibaldi What area of Italy is the last to join? Papal States, or Rome What two nations are last to be unified in Europe? Italy and Germany Who Unites the Following area? Otto Van Bismarck What are his politics? Blood and Iron or Realpolitik What war unites Prussia/Germany? Franco-Prussia War This man writes about the good of private market nations Adam Smith What is the Book he writes? Wealth of Nations What are other names for Private market? Capitalism, Free Market Writes about how wealth should be evenly distributed? Karl Marx What is his book called? Communist Manifesto Capitalism and Socialism fueled what Revolution? Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution __________movement: forces movement of people to cities in search of work Enclosure Rise of ___________unions Labor ____________main industry of industrial revolution Textiles Adequate supplies of coal & iron help England start Industrial Revolution ___________system replaces cottage industry Factory Industrial Revolution helps spark imperialism because colonial powers wanted __________ _______ for industry RAW MATERIALS Industrial Revolution start in which of the following? ENGLAND #3 England was the first to outlaw __________ Slavery Industrial Revolution spreads to 1) rest of __________ Europe 2) To ___________ America Watts: ____ ____ Steam Engine Bessemer: _________ ________ Steel Process Jenner: _________ _________ Smallpox Vaccine Pasteur: discovers ___________ Bacteria Socialism and communism responses to negative aspects of___________ Capitalism Whitney Cotton Gin Hargreaves Spinning Jenney Effects of Industrial Revolution 1. Increase in ________ class Middle 2. Standards of living __________ Increase 3. Population _________ INCREASES 4. Dissatisfaction of _______ class WORKING 5. Growth of __________ (cities) URBANIZATION 6. Improved _________ with steam engine TRANSPORTATION 7. Environmental ___________ Pollution 8. Increase in ___________ CHILD LABOR Type of Imperialism in Africa? Methods of imperialism: Complete Control colonies, Protecting a smaller nation protectorates Just dealing with the economic side of a colony spheres of influence Type of Imperialism in Middle East ____________system: established after World War I, Lebanon and Syria, controls Iraq, Jordan Mandate Two countries that control Mandates? Britain and France Type of Imperialism in China Spheres of influence Open Door Policy: China maintains independence at the expense of European trade rights in port cities Rebellion in China? ________ War between Britain/France and China Opium Response to Western encroachment, nationalist rebellion to drive out the westerners in China? Boxer Rebellion Jewel of the Crown/Raj? _________considered Britain’s prized colony India What was the British company in India? East India Company Rise of nationalism eventually leads to Indian independence (political party? ) Indian National Congress Nation who opens Japan to trade America – Matthew Perry War in Africa that is precursor to WWI? ____________War: conflict between British and Dutch Settlers in ________ Africa Boer South Important trade Canal Suez Canal Nation is it in? Egypt Connects Red Sea to – Mediterranean Sea Nation runs Suez Canal till Nasser after WWII? Britain Capitalism Free Market Economy Private Market Based on competition Entrepreneurs Rise of living standards Wages not distributed evenly Communism Redistribution of wages Workers (proletariat) revolt Workers (state) own everything Goal of ending social and economical classes Area of world known as “The Powder Keg” of Europe prior to World War I ________Peninsula (Southeast Europe) Balkan Causes MANIAC Causes MANIAC Militarism Alliances Nationalism Imperialism Ambassador Failure Competition over colonies Man assassinated in Sarajevo that started WWI Archduke Franz Ferdinand Central Powers? Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Germs are HUNGRY beside Turkey (Ottoman Empire) Allied Powers? France Russia England United States Why does U.S. get involved in WWI 1917: US enters war, Russia leaves Unrestricted submarine warfare and (sinking of what American Ship ? Lusitania Zimmerman note force US into war Leader of Germany during WWI Kaiser Wilhelm II President of U.S. during WWI? Woodrow Wilson What was his plan for Postwar peace? 14 POINTS What peace keeping organization did he suggest (after WWI) League of Nations Treaty that ended WWI Treaty of Versailles Who had to take the blame for WWI? Germany, name 2 things Germany had to do? Reparations, and no military Last Tsar of Russia? Nicholas II What class does he exploit? Peasant What war a major embassment and cause of Rus. Rev. Russo-Japanese What war was the final blow? WWI First Communist leader of Russiachanges name to USSR Vladimir Lenin What was his revolutionary Group? Bolsheviks What is name of his economic policy? NEP, what are the aspects of it? Communism/Capitalism Soviet Leader after Lenin Joseph Stalin What was his plan to industrialize U.S.S.R. 5 year plans What was his plan to be rid of all opponents? Great Purge What was his plan to gather all farms? Collectivization Worldwide Depression (RATS) What is happening in the 1930’s in the world? Causes 1. High ____________ 2. Germany _________ 3. _____ ______ Crashed 4. Awful ___________ 1. Tariffs 2. Reparations 3. Stock Market 4. Credit General of Japan Hedeki Tojo What was his form of government? Militarism What places does Japan invade? Korea, China, Manchuria Who is Emperor during his reign? Hirohito IL Duce!!!! Who is he? What country does he lead Benitto Mussolini, Italy What glory does he want to return Italy to? ROME What country does he try to invade? Ethiopia What was his political party called? FASCIST Leader of Germany during WWII Hitler His National Socialism is called? Nazism His idea to put the Jews in Conc. Camps? Final Solution His belief in one race? Master race What Man did the following before WWII? Invaded Rhineland Invaded Sudenland Invaded Austria Invaded Czechoslovakia Invaded Poland Hitler What did the invasion of Poland cause? WWII What was it called where France and GB did nothing to stop Hitler? Appeasement What Military leader of Japan accomplished this? Invaded Manchuria Invaded China Invaded Korea Hediki Tojo What will happen to Japan on August 6 and 9 1945 at end of WWII? A. Bombs on Hiroshima and nagasaki What WWII Axis Power invaded this country? Italy (Mussolini) invaded Ethiopia Events of WWII Dec 7, 1941, gets U.S. involved June 6, 1944 Turning point in Eastern War Turning point in Pacific Turning point in Western Europe August 6/9 1945 Pearl Harbor D-Day invasion of Normandy Invasion of Soviet Union Battle of Midway D-Day Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Causes of WWII FANATIC • Failures of the Treaty of ________ Versailles Invasion of Poland Curse of the _______ of Nations League Aggression by totalitarian powers ( __, ______, ___) Germany, Italy, Japan GB and Fr. _______ of Germany Appeasement • Nationalism • Tendencies towards _________and pacifism in Europe and the United States Isolationism Leader in the Pacific during WWII Douglas MacArthur What country does he help rebuild after WWII? Japan Is Japan successful after WWII? What type of government is it after WWII? Democratic General Eisenhower Led U.S. in invasion of Europe During WWII What was the invasion of Europe referred to as? D-Day What country did it take place in? France What conference at the end of WWII is this? Yalta Conference Who is at this meeting? FDR, Churchill, Stalin Who are the two superpowers after WWII? U.S. and Soviet Union Becomes president when FDR dies at end of WWII Harry Truman What was his policy on controlling communism called? Containment What was the plan to rebuild Europe called? Marshall Plan Extermination of European Jews by Nazi Germany Holocaust extermination of a group of people based on religion, ethnicity, culture? Genocide Reasons for Holocaust 1. Totalitarianism and ___________. NATIONALISM 2. History of Anti-________ SEMITISM 3. Hitler speeding up the process with his _______ ______ FINAL SOLUTION Genocides in th 20 Armenian Genocide: Cambodia Genocide: Yugoslavia: Balkans Rwandan Genocide Soviet Union century Armenians targeted by Ottoman Turks during WWI Middle class & educated elite targeted by Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge Muslims killed by Serbs Tutsi minority killed by Hutus Stalin Targets opposition in Great Purge Ideological battle between U.S. and U.S.S.R? Cold War U.S Military Alliance during Cold War? NATO U.S.S.R response? WARSAW PACT term coined to show division of Europe along communist and democratic lines Iron Curtain Truman Doctrine: US helps any country fighting___________ Communism What was policy of stopping communism? Containment Plan to rebuild Europe after WWII? Marshall Plan What country is capital and country is shown by the following? Berlin, Germany Which side of Berlin, Germany will democratic? West Which side will be succesful? West What separated East and West Berlin? Berlin Wall Communist leader of China? Mao Zedong Who will be leader of Nationalist China? Chiang Kai Shek Who loses the Chinese Civil War, and where is are they forced to go? Taiwan CHINA AFTER ZEDONG • Reformed communist economy to market economy leading to rapid economic growth • Communist control of government continued Deng Xiaoping Drives China toward _________. Captalism Korean War General involved in Korean War? Year Korean War started? Parallel line of armistice? Why U.S. got involved? MacArthur 1950-53 38th Parallel To contain Communism Communist leader of North Vietnam? HO CHI MINH What Imperial country did they kick out? France What 2 decades did the U.S fight in Vietnam? 1965-1974 What were fighting for? Stop spread of Communism What was the Domino Theory? If one fell to communism the rest would fall? What happened October 14-28 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis What were we trying to contain in going to Cuba? Communism What was U.S.S.R sending to Cuba? Missiles What does the following picture represent? DETERRENCE, BRINKMANSHIP Which two number are areas where the U.S. will fight Communism 10 = Korea 11 = Vietnam Term for nuclear weapons influence patterns of conflict, SUPERPOWERS on edge The Berlin Wall Falling demonstrates? Glasnost & Perestroika also contribute to fall of Soviet Union, who comes up with the two? Brinkmanship, or Deterrence, or MAD Fall of communism in eastern Europe, nationalism in Soviet Union, failing economy reasons for breakup of Soviet Union Gorbachev Gorbachev Introduced term for openess in U.S.S.R? Glasnost Adding capitalism to Soviet Union Perestroika What marks the end of the Soviet Union Berlin Wall falling What military alliance grows when the Warsaw Pact nations get independence? NATO Led Independence Movement in India? Mohandas Gandhi From what imperial power did India achieve Independence? What year? Britain, 1947 What was Gandhi’s Philosophy? Passive Resistance or Civil Disobedience What two religions will fued in India? Hindu and Islam Who is first president of India, westernize it? Jawaharlal Nehru Led India after her father Nehru Indira Gandhi India develops this type of program under her (Cold War) Nuclear Develops closer relationship with U.S. or Soviet Union? Soviet Union Leader of Britain 1979-1990 Margaret Thatcher 1. • British Prime Minister 2. Opposed _____ ________– “Iron Lady” Soviet Un. /Communism 3. Free trade and less government regulation of business, thus more __________ Capitalism 4. • Close relationship with United States and U.S. foreign policy 5. Asserted United Kingdom’s __________power Military Golda Meir Prime Minister of Israel 1969-1974 Strong willed “Grandmother of Jewish people” What war does she lead Israel in? Yom Kippur Gamal Nasser President of Egypt 1956-1990 Going to play sides between U.S. and Soviet Union, Builds Aswan High Dam Nationalizes _________ Canal Suez Countries formed out of Indian Independence Movement What country will West Pakistan become? Pakistan What nation will East Pakistan become? Bangladesh What will Ceylon become? SRI LANKA Countries formed out of Indian Independence Movement What two groups of people will be fighting over the Pakistan and India border ? Muslims and Hindus African Independence (from who?) KenyaBritain Who will lead Kenyan independence? Violent or Non-Violent Jomo Kenyatta, Violent CongoBelgium AlgeriaFrance Did the Following part of Africa have a violent or nonviolent revolutions? Non-Violent - WEST African Independence (from who?) What two groups will be fighting on the “Horn of Africa” Muslims and Christians What is this area Highlighted? Ireland What two groups of people are feuding here? Protestants and Catholics In what country will apartheid be abolished? South Africa What was apartheid The separation of the races Who will lead South Africa in their new beginning without Apartheid? Nelson Mandela Problems in modern world Guest workers: ex. _______ in Europe Africans Expanding economies lead to environmental issues 1. Pollution 2. Ozone Depletion 3. Loss of Habitat Which of the following countries is most developed? JAPAN Relationship between economic and political freedom in Modern World 1) _________ _________economies produce rising 2)___________ of living and an expanding 3)_______class, which produces growing demands for political freedoms and individual rights. Recent examples include Taiwan and South 4)____________. 1) Free Market 2) Standards 3) Middle 4. Korea Economic Interdependence 1. United Nations 1. Peacekeeping international organization formed after WWII? 2. European Union 2. Example of regional integration in Europe, use 3. International same currency Monetary Fund 3. World economies interdependent on each other, so this fund is used like a bank