Life Cycles Study Guide

Life Cycles Study Guide
Plants and animals undergo a series of orderly and identifiable changes.
Changes in organisms over time occur in cycles and differ among the various
plants and animals.
Some animals, such as mealworms, pill bugs, frogs, and butterflies go through
distinct stages as they mature to adults.
Other animals, such as crickets, praying mantises, gray squirrels, and whitetailed deer, resemble their parents from birth to maturity and do not have
distinct stages.
The life cycle of a butterfly
 Egg -> Larva -> Chrysalis -> Adult
 The process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly is called
Life cycle of a White Tail Deer
 Fawn -> adult (doe, buck)
 Baby deer are called fawn. Adult female deer are called does.
Adult male deer are called bucks.
 They are the largest herbivores in Virginia
 Life span is about 8 years
 They have few predators
 May be taken by bobcats, hunters, motor vehicles, or trains
Life cycle of a flowering plant
 Seed ->roots ->stem ->leaves -> flowers ->