Mrs. McInnis’s Monday Memo :

Mrs. McInnis’s Monday Memo
Here’s what’s happening in our class the week of November 9th:
Reading- This week we will be working on fiction summaries. We will be using leveled
reading passages as well as our independent books to practice. The books they use for
their independent reading will also be used for an independent project called a “Story
Wheel” and will be recorded on their second quarter Reading Log.
Language- Students are writing persuasive friendly letters in Writing Workshop. We are
taking a break from DLR for a few weeks and working on cursive handwriting. They will
have a DLR Quiz on weeks 7 and 8 that were sent home in the Monday Folders.
Social Studies-We will continue our unit on Jamestown. We will talk about their reasons
for colonization and their first form of government.
Math- We are working on multiplication facts, patterns with zeros, and computation
problems. Please continue to study the multiplication facts for timed tests, as it really
helps with harder computation problems. Reflex Math should be completed at home at
least once this week. Students will have their first multiplication quiz on Friday (patterns
with zeros, estimating, and one digit on the bottom problems just like on their homework
this week).
Reminders and important dates:
1. Report cards go home this Wednesday, November 11th. Please return the
envelope and the signature slip the next day.
2. The Book Fair is next week. Parents are invited to come meet our class in the
library on Tuesday, November 17th, at 10:45 to purchase books. Or you can just
send in money with your child that day. It will also be open right before our show
that night from 5:30-7.
3. Parents are also invited to our musical Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 and then at 7:00
that evening. All students are expected to be present for both shows.
4. Please make sure you are checking your child’s planner and homework nightly.
New word study homework will start this week. The math is getting harder, so
please review the problems your child does each night, and have him or her fix
any that are wrong.
5. Please let me know in advance if your child will be absent from school around the
Thanksgiving or winter holidays this year. I cannot send home work in advance,
but we can make sure all tests and quizzes are taken before he or she leaves.
6. I am looking for a few parent volunteers to help us learn some literacy games that
we have semi-created. It would involve sending home a game, learning the
game, assembling the parts (cutting, gluing, maybe laminating here at school),
then teaching a small group of students to play the game. I’d like to do this once
a week, possibly having the parents come in on Thursdays or Fridays. I have
about 15-20 games. Please let me know if you would be interested! Your child
can definitely help you! Thanks!