Monday Memo Mrs. Kelly This week at school.....

Monday Memo
Mrs. Kelly
Oct. 19, 2015
This week at school.....
Reading – Nonfiction reading with Scholastic News. Students will identify text features
and create their own questions. Reading Logs for the 1st quarter due Oct. 30th.
Writing – Students will finish their spooky Halloween story using descriptive language.
New word study words and a word study test Friday.
Virginia Studies – Virginia’s Special Places Research Project: Speeches will be given in
class the week of Oct. 26 – 30th. Continue to research and add to outline. Bring flash drive
to school to save this week's power point project in the computer lab.
Math - Students will solve a variety of word problems and learn to create their own
multi step word problems using addition and subtraction in whole numbers and money.
Math Menu Project continues this week. Addition & Subtraction Timed tests.
Science – Natural Resources Unit Test on Thursday: Students will study natural
resources notes and study guide for Chapter 8 in Science textbook. Science investigation
on identifying “Mystery Rocks” on Tuesday.
Reminders –
Parent/Teacher Conferences - Conferences begin Oct. 20, and finish on Nov 2nd. All
available conference times will be listed on my web page under Conferences. A link to will give the available dates and times.
Oct. 21 – Wear Orange to school for Unity Day! On October 21st we are asking Lowes
Island students and families to wear ORANGE to promote Unity Day! Unity Day is
about making a safe and supportive school and community. Lowes Island is united
against bullying and united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion.
Oct. 23 -PTO Halloween Bingo – Tickets - presale only
Oct. 30 Class Halloween Party – Friday, Oct. 30th from 1:00-2:00.
If you have read this Monday Memo draw a book in your child’s planner on 10/19
Star of the week is Chase!
The Lowes Island PTO and SCA are teaming up to collect canned goods for LINK and
shelf stable milk and protein items for the Backpack Buddy Program. Fundraising will
begin October 19th and end October 30th. Please have your child bring in your families
donation to the boxes in the front of the school. Thank you for your donation!