WHO AM I? Ages of Exploration and Imperialism I conquered the Aztecs and claimed the area for Spain Magellan Pizarro Cortes I conquered the Aztecs and claimed the area for Spain Cortes I was the first to propose an alternative route to Asia by traveling west Drake Columbus Cartier I was the first to propose an alternative route to Asia by traveling west Columbus I opened a school for navigators in the hopes of raising the expertise among sailors John Henry Philip I opened a school for navigators in the hopes of raising the expertise among sailors Prince Henry the Navigator I conquered the Inca empire in South America Pizarro Cortes Magellan I conquered the Inca empire in South America Pizarro I searched for a Northwest passage to Asia Cartier Hudson Drake I searched for a Northwest passage to Asia Hudson I circumnavigated the globe Magellan Columbus Cartier I circumnavigated the globe Magellan My visit helped to open Japan to international trade Livingstone Perry Joseph My visit helped to open Japan to international trade Perry WHERE AM I Ages of Exploration and Imperialism Many spheres of influences were created here Egypt China Japan Many spheres of influences were created here China Majority of slaves came from here? South Africa North Africa West Africa Majority of slaves came from here? West Africa Sepoy soldiers rebelled against their officers in? China India West Africa Sepoy soldiers rebelled against their officers in? India The Suez Canal connected the Red Sea and the Black Sea Med. Sea Caribbean Sea The Suez Canal connected the Red Sea and the Mediterranean. Sea Which country was the first to establish a European presence in the Far East Spain Portugal England Which country was the first to establish a European presence in the Far East Portugal Aztec empire occupied which present day country Mexico Peru Bolivia Aztec empire occupied which present day country Mexico The Boxer Rebellion involved resistance to Europeans where? India Egypt China The Boxer Rebellion involved resistance to Europeans where? China