English 10 Honors Syllabus and Expectations British Literature John Champe High School

English 10 Honors Syllabus and
British Literature
John Champe High School
Instructor: Ms. Megan Richard
Course Location: Room 2403
Email: megan.e.richard@lcps.org
Course Overview: This course is designed to challenge the developing thinker and
writer as s (he) enters 10th grade. The works have been selected based on classical
time periods and themes from British Literature. Our focus will be on developing critical
and analytical thinking and writing skills using multiple types of assessments.
Anchor Texts to be Covered this Year: Some of the titles may include…
*All students are expected to be reading one book outside of class, of their choice. This book is
required in class during all SHIELD periods for Silent Sustained Reading/Reading for Fun/Focused
Fun Reading! *
*list is subject to change*
-Alice and Wonderland/Peter Pan
-Macbeth or Taming of the Shrew
-Dr. Jackyll and Mr. Hyde
-And Then There Were None
-The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
-Lord of the Flies
-Animal Farm
-Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
Note: Copies of anchor text titles will be provided to each student. However, since annotating will be
an integral part of everything we read, students are encouraged, but in no way obligated, to have a
personal copy in order to thoughtfully and actively engage in the reading. I will give you advanced
notice of which text we will be reading next in order to give you ample time to purchase each book if
you so choose.
Materials Needed:
-JCHS Agenda
-3-ring binder
-dividers (5 tabs)
-index cards
-pencils (with erasers)
-highlighters (variety of colors)
-sticky notes or tabs (for annotations)
-suggested: flash drive (can be used for other
classes as well)
-pens (colors besides blue or black)
-lined paper
-composition notebook (to be kept in class)
Writing Expectations:
In English 10, students are expected to write creatively, reflectively, as well as concentrate on
how to write analysis and synthesis. Grammar, vocabulary, punctuation and spelling will all play
a role in our writing activities.
The LCPS English Honors Assessment:
The Commonwealth of Virginia requires that all courses that are weighted have a common
assessment to ensure that students meet consistently high standards across schools and
classrooms. In Loudoun County Public Schools, Honors-level high school English classes receive a
0.5 GPA weight (on a 4.0 scale), and we meet the state’s requirement through a year-long
The Big Question Synthesis Project engages students in a process of increasingly independent
inquiry over the course of the year. At the end of the first quarter, students will be required to
select a Big Question which is, by definition, difficult to answer, or answerable in a number of
ways. After choosing or creating a Big Question, a student will seek out a range of “artifacts”
that address this question over the course of the year. The teacher will offer the student a
number of opportunities throughout the year to connect the work going on within the classroom
to the individual student’s Big Question. The student will also gather material independently from
a variety of sources, which will also be collected in the student’s portfolio. The final Big Question
analysis will give students a chance to synthesize sources gathered independently with the
literary works covered in class and attempt to formulate an answer to their Big Question.
Classroom Expectations:
-Respect Yourself
*Come prepared and ready to learn every class!
*Positive attitudes foster positive classroom environments
*Don’t be afraid to take a chance in your learning!
*Achieve at your highest potential
-Respect Others
*Treat others how you would want someone to treat your favorite person
*Be mindful of your words and actions towards one another
-Respect our Environment
*Water is fine, but please do not bring any other food into the classroom
*This will be a safe and fun learning environment that everyone is expected to contribute to!
**A Note About Cell Phones: Phones may not be used in class unless specified by the teacher for
instructional purposes.
Classroom Procedures:
Arrive to class on time
Begin working on bellringer by the time bell rings
Complete all classwork and homework
Raise your hand
Adhere to the 15-15 rule (no leaving classroom during first or last 15 minutes of class)
If you must leave class for restroom, water, etc. sign name on whiteboard and have
teacher sign agenda
Absent? 1. Let me know ahead of time if possible 2. Check with me before/after school
or during SHIELD for what you missed.
Teacher dismisses class, not bell
Know the fire drill location and stay with the teacher
Appropriate behavior is expected of all students. Re-teaching sessions will be put into
place if students have difficulties following classroom procedures and expectations.
**Need help? Have a question? Contact me via email!
John Champe’s Tardy Policy:
The school’s tardy policy is in effect. The first offense will be a warning while the second results in
me contacting your parent. The third and fourth offenses will result in re-teaching and continued
parent contact. If you are tardy five or more times, then you will be referred to your subject
JCHS English Department Grading Best Practices
1. Only assignments that count towards the final grade will be listed in Phoenix. Teachers have the
option to “hide” non-weighted assignments; however, all teachers will track (either on paper or
electronically) student progress on all learning activities.
2. Weighted assignments will be posted in Phoenix when assigned, not when graded.
3. Total points will be used for grading assignments. The following categories will be used in
Phoenix: Applied Practice, Quizzes and Tests, Writing, Projects and Presentations.
You will be evaluated using the following categories: applied practice (daily activities/classwork
and at-home practice), projects/presentations, quizzes/tests, and writing. Grades will be given a
point value and will be based on the Loudoun County grading scale:
A+ = 98% - 100%
A = 93% - 97%
A- = 90% - 92%
B+ = 87% - 89%
C+ = 77% - 79%
C = 73% - 76%
C- = 70% - 72%
D+ = 67% - 69%
F = 59% and lower
B = 83% - 86%
B- = 80% - 82%
D = 63% - 66%
D- = 60% - 62%
Retakes/Multiple Efforts:
1. Students can meet with teacher to discuss retakes/multiple efforts opportunities for process
activities (applied practice activities, quizzes, etc.). The purpose of this is for students to
demonstrate an understanding of these skills and activities prior to a larger/extended
assignment or test.
The student must initiate this process by speaking with the teacher within ONE WEEK of a
returned grade that scored a 74% or below. A student will then be asked to fill out a reflection
sheet. The grade on the retake will replace the initial grade.
2. The only larger/extended assignment that students will have an opportunity to rework is a formal
writing assignment. In order for the opportunity to be made available, students must have met
all process deadlines for the assignment, must complete a self-reflection form, and must
conference with the teacher prior to submitting a rewritten paper. It is the students’ responsibility
to initiate this process within ONE week of the assignment's return. The grade on the rewrite will
replace the initial grade.
Late Work:
All assignments are expected to be turned in on time, no matter the academic level. See the
details below concerning penalties for late work. Please keep in mind that the department
honors the LCPS "50 floor." However, work assigned, no matter how big or small in terms of points,
is considered integral to the overall learning process taking place in class. As such, even when a
"floor" is reached by a student, he/she is expected to work with the teacher to complete missing
and/or overdue work.
*Keep in mind:
-If a student is in school but not in class on a day that an assignment is due, he/she is still expected to turn in
the assignment.
- If a student is attending a school function, he/she is expected to turn in all work before leaving.
-If a student is absent on the day that a major assignment is due, he/she is expected to make contact with
me VIA EMAIL to make arrangements for turning in the assignment.
-“Printer problems” are NOT exceptions to the late-work policy. You should plan ahead, have plenty of
paper and ink, not wait until the night before to print, and have an electronic version (Flashdrive) in case
he/she needs to find a school computer to print the assignment. Assignments should NOT be printed off at
the beginning of class; work will be considered late if it is not ready for submission at the bell.
Honors/AP: A 10% reduction will be taken each class period that an assignment is late. Teachers
will no longer accept late assignments after one week of the due date.
Academic: A 10% reduction will be taken automatically for any late assessment. Teachers will no
longer accept late assignments after one week of the due date.
SHIELD Expectations:
Students may only flex out during our English SHIELD periods if all assignments and work has been
completed for this class, and the student has an overall average of a 75% or higher. Attendance
will be taken during SHIELD and if eligible, you are allowed to leave after attendance and
‘housekeeping’ is completed. There will be a 15 minute Silent Sustained Reading time during all
SHIELD periods for English. Always come prepared with your independent reading book. You
MUST sign out on the SHIELD Sign-Out sheet located on the clipboard at the door. When you flex
IN to this class from another teacher, you must use the same sheet to Sign-IN and remain in that
classroom for the remainder of that SHILED period.
Academic Honesty:
As John Champe Knights, we follow CHARGE: Character, Honesty, and Respect Generate
Excellence. Cheating or Plagiarizing on any activity, assignment, or test will not be tolerated. Any
infraction dealing with academic dishonesty will result in a grade of ZERO for anyone involved,
followed by an office referral, and disciplinary action based on John Champe’s student
conduct policy.
A Note on Plagiarism: By definition, it is using, stealing, or passing-off the ideas or words of
another as one’s own. When using someone’s ideas, one must credit the source. We will review
and use proper MLA citations in our writing and will discuss ways to avoid plagiarizing. Plagiarism
will not be tolerated and will result in a 0 on the assignment, as well as a discipline referral. If a
student is ever confused about plagiarizing, see me immediately. When in doubt, use citations!
*Teacher may amend or change syllabus throughout the school year if necessary.
I am very excited to be working with each and every one of you! Let’s make this
a wonderful year!
Syllabus Signature Sheet
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Please review this syllabus with your son or daughter and return this page to Mrs. Richard. I would
greatly appreciate the contact information requested below.
The syllabus should remain in the front of the student’s English binder. Thank you so much for your
time; I look forward to working with you and your son or daughter throughout the year.
I have reviewed this syllabus. I understand and accept the requirements and expectations for
this course.
X____________________________________________________ _______________________
Student Signature
X__________________________________________________ _________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature
Parent Information (to be filled out by parent or legal guardian):
Student Name: ________________________________________________
Guardian #1: __________________________________________________________
Relationship to Student: __________________________
Phone Number: _______________________(cell) Phone Number: __________________________(work)
Phone Number: ________________________________ (home)
Email Address: ________________________________
Please highlight/circle phone number you would prefer to be reached at.
Guardian #2: _________________________________________________________
Relationship to Student: __________________________
Phone Number: _______________________(cell) Phone Number: __________________________(work)
Phone Number: ________________________________ (home)
Email Address: ________________________________
Please highlight/circle phone number you would prefer to be reached at.
Is there anything else you would like me to know about your son/daughter?: