Civil Rights Study Guide

Civil Rights Study Guide
1. What is the Civil Rights Movement?
A movement for equality between the 1950s and 1960s.
2. What president desegregated the military in 1948?
President Truman
3. What did the NAACP work to end?
Worked to end segregation
4. What decision stated that “separate but equal” WAS constitutional?
Plessy vs. Ferguson
5. Look at the picture to the right. What event is it explaining?
Brown vs. the Board of Education and desegregation of schools
6. In the case Brown vs. the Board of Education, the Supreme Court argued that separate schools violated the
________________ amendment.
14th Amendment
“We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. Separate
educational facilities are inherently unequal.”
7. Read the quote above. This quote expresses the decision in….
Brown vs. the Board of Education
8. What was the result of Rosa Parks arrest in 1955?
Led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott (in Montgomery, Alabama)
9. What leader emphasized passive resistance against discrimination?
Martin Luther King Jr.
10. What event is depicted in the photo to the right? Is this event an example
of a passive resistant activity?
Woolworth’s Drug Store Sit In 1960 - Encouraged other sit in movements
throughout the south.
Yes, Passive resistant Activity
11. What were the Freedom Riders protesting?
Protesting bus and interstate segregation
12. Where did Martin Luther King Jr. give his famous “I have a dream” speech?
March on Washington – Washington D.C. 1963
13. What was the purpose of the March on Washington?
To protest job discrimination and freedom for all
14. What was the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Legislature that ended discrimination in the area of housing, hiring, education and public places
15. What was the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Legislature that ended discriminatory voting practices like poll taxes and literacy tests
16. What is happening in photo to the right? Is it an
example of a passive resistant activity?
Organized March; passive resistant activity
17. In your opinion, do you think the protesters of the
Civil Rights Movement were successful?
18. Name two work place disadvantages for women.
Discrimination in hiring practices, and lower wages than men
19. What was the Equal Rights Amendment?
Failed legislation that gave women equal rights in business and public services
20. Why did the Equal Rights Amendment fail?
States did not ratify the amendment; therefore, it was never added to the Constitution.
21. What does NOW stand for and what did it do for women?
National Organization for Women
22. What is Title IX?
Federal legislation to force colleges to give women equal athletic opportunities
23. List and describe all the ways the women’s movement tried to improve life for women after World War II ?
Refer to notes
24. List and describe all the ways the Civil Rights movement tried to improve life for African-Americans after World
War II?
Refer to notes