Monday Memo 12/14/15 Hello Parents,

Monday Memo 12/14/15
Hello Parents,
Happy Holidays! We have an exciting week planned to end
the 2015 year! I know the students (and maybe the teachers
too) are itching for break to begin but I hope to make this
week as exciting as possible to hopefully maintain their
We will be reading the story Gingerbread Man and will
focus on story sequencing and retelling of events. Students
will also be visiting Michael’s Craft Store on Thursday to
purchase gingerbread men and houses to decorate. On Friday,
the students will assemble their houses and decorate their
cookies. They will also participate in the annual Lowes Island
Holiday Sing Along. Lastly, on Friday, students will participate
in a variety of holiday games!
I hope everyone has a fantastic break and we will see you
in the new year! Please email me if you have any questions or
Mrs. Casanova