Teacher Cadet Application Packet Application, Essay, Teacher Recommendation Form, Interview Due Date: April 15, 2016 Name Last First Middle Address Street Home Phone( VA State City ) Student Cell Phone ( E-Mail Zip ) Current GPA: Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name(s) Number of school days absent this year Number of times tardy to school Honors-level courses you have taken/are taking: Courses (other than Teacher Cadet) you plan to take next year: Are you/or have you been a member of FEA or Educators Rising? _____ If yes, Grades 9 10 11 THREE TEACHER recommendations are required (not guidance counselors). Please use the attached form and list your references below: ESSAY Applicants will write a 500 word double-spaced essay, answering one of the following topics. Essay must be typewritten using 12-font, Times New Roman with 1 inch margins. 1. Tell me about a teacher who has had a positive influence on you. 2. Why are you interested in enrolling in the Teacher Cadet Program? INTERVIEW: Arranged by Teacher Cadet Instructor after receiving application. Teacher Recommendation for Teacher Cadet Applicant Applicant’s Name Teachers, please do not return this form to the student because your responses are confidential. Please submit recommendation forms to Mary Doherty (mailbox). Your feedback is important in the selection of the students best suited for this class. Thank you for your interest in and support of the Teacher Cadet Program. Using a scale of 1 (weakest) to 5 (best), please rate this Teacher Cadet applicant in the following areas. You may select “DK” if you don’t know how to respond to a category. Category 1 2 3 4 5 DK Professional Appearance/Grooming Poise Sensitivity to Others Leadership Skills Dependability/Commitment Integrity Ability to Accept Constructive Criticism Ability to Work in Groups Creativity Intelligence Academic Achievement Communication/Grammar/Writing Skills Motivation/Willingness to Work Potential as an educator Attendance Please include comments to help the selection committee make wise choices for the Teacher Cadet Program. Continue on the back of the form if you need additional space. Your Name How long have you known the applicant? (Thanks! Please return this recommendation form to Mary Doherty by April 15, 2016.) TEACHER CADET PERMISSION FORM As part of the Teachers for Tomorrow program, Teacher Cadets will be participating in classroom observations and field experiences at local elementary, middle and high schools. Students will need to provide their own transportation to their assigned schools (you may carpool with another Cadet). The schools the students may be visiting may include Arcola, Pinebrook, Buffalo Trail, Mercer Middle School and Freedom High School. During the first semester, Teacher Cadets will observe various grade level classes to observe curriculum in action and to identify a particular grade level and discipline for their field experiences. The second semester will involve an extensive field experience at the feeder schools in the Stone Bridge School cluster. These students are expected to arrive at the specified time at their assigned schools and to John Champe High School. Please note that students completing their field experience in elementary school will arrive at the elementary school at 7:30 AM, for middle school field experience the arrival time is 8:00 AM. Permission is granted to my son/daughter: to participate in classroom observations and field experiences at his/her assigned schools, and other off-site class activities as deemed necessary by the instructor. These activities will occur during the teacher cadet class period or before school as indicated above. ______ My son/daughter has their driver’s license and may drive his/her own vehicle. I ______ will transport my son/daughter to and from the assigned school. My son/daughter plans to carpool with another Cadet. Cadet’s Name: _________________ Parent or Guardian Signature Date Parent or Guardian Signature Date