Name: _______________________________ USVA History Study Guide – Chapter 5.1 Experimenting with Confederation

Name: _______________________________
USVA History
Study Guide – Chapter 5.1
Experimenting with Confederation
1. American political leaders, fearful of a powerful central government like England’s,
adopted the ________________________________________________ at the end of the
American Revolution.
2. The Articles of Confederation provided for a ______________ central government, with
more power resting with the state governments.
3. Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress had no power to ____________ the
people or states, which resulted in a lack of federal funds.
4. Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress had no power to regulate _____________
that took place between or among the various states.
5. The Articles of Confederation failed to provide for an effective common _____________,
instead relying on worthless “Continentals.”
6. Under the Articles of Confederation, each state received equal representation with
________ vote per state, regardless of population sizes.
7. Under the Articles of Confederation, no _________________ branch existed to execute
or enforce the federal laws.
8. Under the Articles of Confederation, no _________________ branch existed to interpret
federal laws.
9. The ______________________________ of 1785 allowed for the surveying of
northwestern lands into a grid system.
10. The ______________________________ of 1787 established a procedure for the
Northwest territories to become states, and banned slavery there.