Name: _______________________________ USVA History Chapter 19.3 – The War at Home

Name: _______________________________
USVA History
Chapter 19.3 – The War at Home
Main Idea - World War I spurred ______________, __________________, and economic
change in the United States.
The War at Home
1. Wilson was given almost complete economic power
 ___________________________________________ –1917
o Led by Bernard M. Baruch
o Helped businesses with mass production
 ________________________________
 Increase efficiency
 ________________________________
 Day light savings time
 Corporate profits soared
Selling the war
1. ____________________________________________ Raised taxes- taxed the rich more than the poor
 Higher excise tax on alcohol, tobacco, liquor
 Sold “_________________________________” and “Victory Loan” ____________
 type of savings bond used by nations to help fund a war
2. Committee on Public Information
 Set up a ___________________________________ agency
o A kind of bias communication designed to influence people’s thoughts and
o Headed by George Creel a former _______________________________
o Encouraged over 75,000 men to serve
Attacks on Civil Liberties
1. Anti-immigration _______________________________ The nasty attacks were mainly against German immigrants
o Many lost their jobs
o _______________________ stopped teaching German
o Some resorted to violence
2. ______________________________ and Sedition Acts- June 1917
 A person could be fined up to $10,000 and sentenced to 20 years in jail for interfering
with the war effort or by being “________________________” to the govt.
 2,000 ppl were prosecuted for _________________________ the war
Mainly targeted socialists and labor leaders
o __________________________________ was sentenced to 10 yrs
The war encourages social change
1. African Americans and War
 Divided on the war
o _____________________________________ believed support of the war would
help strengthen calls for racial justice
 Some African Americans served in the war in segregated units
2. The Great _____________________________
 Large scale movement of Southern blacks to cities in the ______________________
o Chicago, New York, Philadelphia
 Mainly for job opportunities and to escape racial __________________________
 Face discrimination in the north too
3. Women in the War
 women were needed to fill in for the men who went off to war
 Many of these jobs use to be only held by men
o Coal miners, shipbuilding, bricklayers
 Many volunteered in the _____________________, sold war bonds and planted victory
 Their war efforts helped get the 19th amendment passed in 1919
o Right to vote
4. _____________ –1918
 international flu epidemic affected ¼ of the pop
 Businesses had to be shut down
o Hurt the economy - Killed 500,000 Americans- Ran out of coffins