Monday, August 31/Tuesday, September 1 Ms. Moronta Unit Objectives – Prologue – History, Approaches, and Research Methods 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Define psychology and trace its historical development Compare/contrast the psychological perspectives Identify basic and applied research and subfields of psychology Identify basic elements of an experiment Compare/contrast research methods Describe the three measures of central tendency and measures of variation Discuss the ethics of animal and human research Daily Objectives We will: Discuss the objectives of the class and understand class procedures. Examine some of the topics we will learn during the year. CLOSURE - By the end of today, I will be able to: Feel confident about what we are learning this school year and follow classroom procedures. What Are We Doing Today? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All About Me Handout Syllabus The Story Introduction to AP Psych – Welcome! Book Distribution Vocabulary Closure HOMEWORK: Vocabulary ~ 1-11 and people Read ~ pages 1-15 QUIZ NEXT CLASS! Bring your binder with dividers next class so we can organize! Prologue/Chapter 1 Calendar 8/31 & 9/1: Introduction 9/2 & 9/3: AP Exam/Homework Review 9/4 & 9/8: Psychological Perspectives 9/9 & 9/10: Scientific Method 9/11 & 9/14: Correlation 9/15 & 9/16: Experimentation/Ethics 9/17 & 9/18: Statistics 9/21 & 9/22: Vocab Quiz 9/23 & 9/24: TEST: Prologue & Chapter 1 WARM UP What are your expectations for the year? Why did you take this class? (be honest) Write down a few words that you think of when you hear the word PSYCHOLOGY. CLOSURE When is it acceptable to use your electronic device? After talking with your peers, write down some ways to be successful for this school year.