Group 3 General Meeting November 3, 2011 Present: All council members ( Ronald Boczarski, Jill Yanus, Carrie LaBarr, Vicki Clark, Paul DeShane), Susan Scott, Shawn Seymour, Jenny Townsend, Susan Cutler, Peggy Walrich, Theresa Ferero, Jeff Welling, Colleen Baker, Carol Davis, Mary Jo James, Matt Draper, Jessica McPherson, Janet DemersEmburey, Susan Wood, Robyn Seifert, Katherine Lewandowski, and Karla Fennell. Start time: 10:00am 1. Vice Chair Update: a. Committee Changes- discontinued some committees to form 4 new committees which include the following topics: i. Prof. development ii. Fundraising iii. Student Retention and Benefits iv. Service to community b. Spirits and Kisses- did not discuss c. Exam treats will not be provided this year. We are trying to be self-sufficient and therefore are not asking for donations. d. Wreath Sale- begins today, details below. 2. Treasure Update: a. Basket Raffle- $710.00 b. $856.06 in the scholarship account c. With proceeds from ticket sales, general account now has $1,322.37 Question from Carol Davis: What is this group I am now a part of? Ron will send Carol the email describing what Group 3 is. Salaried employees, non-union, nondirector Jill read the paragraph about our history. Vicki suggested going to the HR site and reading the operations manual. Introductions of Group members present Ron also mentioned that we are trying to become self-sufficient. Before, we had to ask other depts. for donations for exam treats, etc. To be involved, members join committees. Fundraising will now be a whole group responsibility. Wreath sales go toward scholarships. Compensation and benefits work with HR. 3. Wreath Sale Information: a. We will not be doing the Randy Brockway Scholarship this year. As per Vicki, the family agrees that the scholarship can be let go. Group 3 will now create scholarships with different criteria. A committee will create the criteria and decide how many scholarships to provide. b. Wreath prices stayed the same- $15.50 per wreath. Group 3 makes $5.00 profit per wreath. Please sell as many as you can. c. Pat will email the group the order forms d. Sue Scott will be taking the order forms and money. She is located on the second floor of Graham Hall. If she is not there, she will have a basket for the forms. e. Delivery will be Nov.28th. Method of delivery has not been decided as of today. 4. New Business: a. Discussion of Randy Brockway Scholarship. Family does not want to fund; we can create new scholarship. b. Hourly staff trip to Waterloo has openings. Contact Sue Blanchard for more information. c. HR discussion- Vacation after Christmas being changed for next year. i. Paul mentioned that this “vacation week” was meant to be a cost savings measure by the University. Our actual benefit is what the new policy will be. ii. Theresa mentioned that hourly employees received time off to use at a later date for working during the December week. iii. Vicki mentioned that we do not get other holidays off. We need to develop reasons as to why we should continue to get that week off. iv. Carol mentioned conducting research on the subject. See what the other schools are doing. What is the standard? U of Pitt gives staff a winter break. v. Jill mentioned we do not know if HR conducted research. vi. Peggy asked about the policies at the 3 local schools. vii. Jenny stated that SLU is changing its policy and their staff will not receive a winter break. viii. Vicki would like a sub -committee to research the policy and have numbers by January 1. ix. Questions were raised as to why the policy came out a year early. Sue Cutler mentioned that the campus leaders were meeting the same day to discuss the survey we took in April. The survey shows that the staff morale is low. x. The disability policy was mentioned. A group member was told that she cannot use her disability until her sick days and vacation days were used. Ron mentioned that group members need to bring up these issues at meetings so the group can get answers. xi. Group 3 members are fearful of losing more benefits. xii. Peggy suggested we create a presentation as a group. All the administration should see the presentation at the same time. xiii. Jill mentioned we need to get our committees together before any changes happen. xiv. Paul is very concerned about the vacation time. xv. Vicki mentioned that benefits are not guaranteed. There is no law stating that we receive benefits or vacation time. xvi. Karla mentioned that the support staff in the career center went to a meeting and Marilyn stated that we should take mental health days. Question to Group from Vicki Clark: What are we required to participate in outside the office hours of M-F 8am-4:30pm? o o o o o E2E, meetings, conferences, tours, seminars on campus. Alumni weekend, graduation, travel, workshops, open houses, student events, PeopleSoft upgrades, work at home. This is why the Christmas vacation is needed. Jill mentioned we need to be prepared for the salary argument. Ron- organize statement to administration. Committee will be next week to begin research. Please send other issues to council. Operations manual for 2011 has been posted. Meeting Adjourned at 11:12 am