Hello parents,

Hello parents,
Thank you for all you do to continue to support your child and our school. Below is some
information about what we are doing in our class this week! Please try to reinforce this at home
to help ensure success for your child.
Reading: This week we are going to be reviewing how readers think and talk about books. We
will be reading many winter themed books and remembering how to predict, retell, and make
connections as we read.
Writing: We are finishing our class Gingerbread story, The Gingerbread Anakin! The students
have worked hard and are anxious to see their finished story. We will read this at our winter
party on Friday!
Math: We will continue our Time unit this week. Students will learn how to tell time to the
hour and to the half-hour using analog and digital clocks.
Content: We are going to be learning about the signs of winter. We will cover what animals and
people do in winter time.
Questions to ask your child:
What are signs of winter
What are 3 ways we can think and talk about out books? (predict, make connections, retell)
Practice telling time to the hour and to the half-hour.
Other News:
Our book fair is going on in the library all week. If you would like to send in money with your
child, I will send them down to the bookfair. If you would like to come to school and bring your
child to the bookfair that is fine as well. Just check in at the office and come to the classroom.
Cedar Lane is still collecting new hats and mittens for our Mitten Tree!
Mrs. Helen Fitts (or Miss Helen to us) is retiring this year after 15 years of service. She has been
a kind, fabulous, loving custodian to our children. We will be honoring her tomorrow at
school. Our students have made her cards as well. Her last day with the kids will be Friday.
Our Gingerbread celebration is on Friday, December 18th at 9:30. Please sign up below if you
would like to help facilitate the activities or to donate to the party. Thank you for your support!
As always, if you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me or call the school at 571-2522120. Thank you again for all you do!