Hello parents,

Hello parents,
Thank you for all you do to continue to support your child and our school. Below is some
information about what we are doing in our class this week! Please try to reinforce this at home
to help ensure success for your child.
Reading: This week we are going to learn how to make sure readers understand what they are
reading. Readers have 3 important jobs: 1) to read the words, 2) to have thoughts (predictions
or connections) while they read and 3) to understand what they are reading. Students will learn
how to know if they are understanding their books. We will do this while reading Gingerbread
Writing: We are working on writing a class Gingerbread story. We have voted on our
characters, settings and ending and will start working on our stories tomorrow. Students will
continue to write Gingerbread stories on their own.
Math: We finished our fraction unit on Friday. Please continue to work on identifying, making
and writing fractions at home. We will begin our Time unit this week. Students will learn how to
tell time to the hour and to the half-hour using analog and digital clocks.
Content: We are working on our economics unit. Students have learned about needs and wants
and goods and services. This week we continue to learn about how to spend and save money
and producers and consumers.
Questions to ask your child:
1. What are goods and services? Who are producers and consumers?
2. Can you show me ½ of
3. Practice telling time to the hour and to the half-hour.
Don't forget the Giving tree going on. We are collecting new hats and gloves for people who
need them this winter.
Our Gingerbread celebration is on Friday, December 18th at 9:30. Please sign up below if you
would like to help facilitate the activities or to donate to the party. Thank you for your support!
Winter Party
Friday, December 18 9:30 – 10:45 The children
will be decorating a gingerbread house on
construction paper. They will be using play
money to purchase decorations for their houses.
This is an Economics learning activity where
they learn you can’t always have what you want.
We will enjoy cookies and juice in the afternoon.
This is going to be fun, but we need your help
to make it a success.
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As always, if you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me or call the school at 571-2522120. Thank you again for all you do!