Hello parents,

Hello parents,
Thank you for all you do to continue to support your child and our school. Below is some
information about what we are doing in our class this week! Please try to reinforce this at home
to help ensure success for your child.
This week we will continue to learn about how readers have connections when they read.
Readers have connections when their book reminds them about something in their own life, in
another text, or in the world.
This week we will be focusing on how to make our pictures more engaging and supportive for
our stories We will look at illustrations in books for examples of motion, passing time, details
and more!
Math: We are finishing shapes this week and moving into fractions. We will look at what is a
fair share and what is not. We will learn about halves, thirds and fourths. We will look at parts
of a whole (3 pigs out of 7 animals).
This week we will wrap up our Long Ago and Today unit. Review with your students the
concept of a time line and what they have done in the past, the present and might do in the
future. Monday and Tuesday, we will focus on the past as we learn about the first
Thanksgiving. We will also talk about what we are thankful for today.
Questions to ask your child:
*Look for examples of a fair share (I get one piece of chicken, you get one piece of chicken) and
what is not a fair share (I get 1 cookie, you get 2 cookies).
*While reading, ask your child to make some connections to their story. (What does this story
remind you of?) If they struggle, help them think of a part of the story that they can make a
connection to.
*What kind of invention could you think of for the future? Think of something that we don't
have already that would make something easier.
Important notes:
Tomorrow is our American Education Week day! Please join us at 9:30 in our classroom!
Wednesday-Friday are holidays next week for Thanksgiving. Have a safe and happy holiday!