Books I have read to the class: “Scarecrow Pete” “Feeling Thankful”

Mrs. Pisauro’s Class
November 16, 2015
Books I have read to the class:
“Scarecrow Pete”
“Feeling Thankful”
“10 Fat Turkeys”
“The Most Thankful Thing”
Readers Workshop:
* Exploring the World of Books - Readers
use their own identities and background
knowledge to help them search for and
discover a variety of texts across different
*Reading the Pictures - Readers use
pictures to help them read the words and
make meaning of a text.
*Making the Text Memorable - Learning to
pay attention to the details.
*Counting Words, Finding Spaces - Readers
put letters together to read words and
words are separated by spaces.
Jolly Phonics
Storyline, action, flash cards, letter
formation and blending for letters: y, x, ch,
sh, and th.Room Parents:
I am thankful for…
Fall is fun because…
The children worked on stretching out the
sounds of the words they are writing.
Journal free topic and weekend
Extra Reading Skill:
*Remember to read every night, pick out
sight words and ask your child questions
that go with the story.
“The Scarecrow”
“Veterans Day”
“Ways to Remember”
“Odd and Even”
Guided Reading
“Veterans Day”
*Recognizing Quantities by Sight
*Introducing the Number Track – a
number line
*Exploring the relative position of
*Writing Numerals Before and After
*Identify left and right
Extra Math Skill
*Talking about numbers that come
before and after (you can even go two
or three before and after)
*Matching number names to pictures
and to numerals
*Practice left and right side
Parent Teacher Conferences and Report cards go home
November 23 Early Release and Parent Teacher Conferences
November 25-27 No School- Enjoy the Thanksgiving Break
Happy Thanksgiving to all Families
Thank you
For all the help and support you give to your Kindergartner.