PERSONAL FINANCE Classroom Policies & Expectations Welcome to the 2013 – 2014 school year! Students learn how to navigate the financial decisions they must face and to make informed decisions related to career exploration, budgeting, banking, credit, insurance, spending, taxes, saving, investing, buying/leasing a vehicle, living independently, and inheritance. Development of financial literacy skills and an understanding of economic principles will provide the basis for responsible citizenship and career success. After reading this sheet, complete the attachment as your first assignment! ATTENDANCE: Homework assignments are kept to a minimum in this course. In order to maintain this practice, it is vital that students are present and on time to class. Every minute of class time is valuable, and my expectation is that it will be used wisely. Therefore, it is important for you to follow the school policy pertaining to class tardies (refer to student handbook). School policy will also be enforced in regard to absences from class. Excused absences include: personal illness, death in the family, medical appointments, court appearances, or principal-approved emergencies. Students must provide documentation (to the main office) for any and all excused absences. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain make-up work. Students have the opportunity to use their study hall/Raider Rally period to make up work (see me before school for a pass). A student with an excused absence will be allowed the same number of days to make up work as the number of days excused. Without proper documentation, an absence will be considered unexcused. Unexcused absences will not be tolerated. In the event of an unexcused absence, the student is still responsible for the content. BEHAVIOR: The purpose of high school CTE courses is to prepare students for higher education and/or transition to the workplace. College and work environments are built on an understanding of mutual respect. Students should conduct themselves according to the belief that everyone has value, including themselves. Furthermore, students should respect the school property and my personal property that is made available for their use in the classroom. I have high expectations for respect in my classroom, and I discuss these expectations with all students on the first day of class. As long as we respect each other, we will have a fun and exciting year! COMPUTER USE: At the beginning of the year, each student signs a computer/technology agreement issued by the school. In addition to school policies, I expect that students will NOT use the computers or Internet without permission, will not play computer games, will not view inappropriate material or include inappropriate material in their work. Misuse of the computer or the Internet in ANY way will result in the loss of computer / Internet privileges. Alternate assignments that do not require the use of a computer will be given to students who cannot conduct themselves appropriately. We are fortunate to have consistent computer access – please respect the privilege to use them. ASSESSMENTS: You will be assessed in a variety of ways, including (but not limited to): Tests and Quizzes Classwork Group work Projects Food labs Projects, tests and quizzes will all be given a point value at the time it is assigned, depending on the depth and/or length of the assignment. Late assignments will be accepted up until the last week of the quarter, but will receive a 10% deduction for each day late, up to 50%. PERSONAL FINANCE Classroom Policies & Expectations ASSIGNMENTS: The ability to complete and submit assignments by the established due date is critical to success in the workplace. The same principle applies to this course. It is my expectation that all students will use their time wisely in order to complete and submit assignments on time. Any work not submitted by the due date will be penalized 10 points for the first day and 5 points each day after for a total of 5 days (one week). Beyond one week, students will only be able to earn ½ credit. All work must be submitted by the end of the nine-week grading period to receive credit. Please communicate with me early and often if you are having any challenges completing your assignments on time. My website is updated weekly with assignments, due dates, and so forth. Students that are absent or that are missing work should check the website first. HALL PASSES: Please come to class ready to work each day. Hall passes will not be issued during the first 15 minutes and the last 15 minutes of class. This policy is to ensure that students are present for critical announcements and directions. Students must have their agenda at all times in order to be issued hall passes. Because entrances/exits are disruptive to the class as a whole, please be as considerate as possible. CLASSROOM: In order to keep Loudoun County High School and the classrooms clean for all of our students, I expect students to clean up after themselves at the conclusion of each class period. Students that do not return their workplace to its original condition will lose points from their daily Workplace Readiness Skills grade. Because we have computers in the classroom, food and drink are not permitted around computers. Water bottles are acceptable as long as they are fully closed containers. Cell phones, iPods, and other personal handheld devices are not permitted in class. These items are distractions to the student using them as well as to the other students in class. Please be respectful of your classmates and of me – keep your personal items put away during class. In the event that a student is found using his or her cell phone or iPod, it will be confiscated and held in the main office for the rest of the day (refer to your student handbook). FCCLA: FCCLA is the co-curricular student organization in FACS education. This means that it is integrated into the classroom in addition to sponsoring out-of-school activities and events. Because FCCLA is used as a supplemental learning experience in the classroom, it’s helpful for all FACS students to become members and to be highly involved. Some FCCLA activities will take place during class time for a grade. Students also have the opportunity to earn extra credit for active participation in various FCCLA activities or events outside of the classroom. Only active (paid) FCCLA members will be allowed to participate in field trips with limited availability. Dues are $20.00 which includes the fee for LCHS, Virginia, and National FCCLA dues. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I will be posting announcements, assignments, due dates, and other information on my school website, which can be accessed through Loudoun County High School’s homepage. To access the class website, click on “Staff” and select “Winans, Jessica” and then “Personal Finance”. Mrs. Winans website will be updated weekly. Should you have any questions about assignments, please check the website first. Any students that are experiencing any difficulties in class are strongly encouraged to meet with me as soon as possible. I am always available to discuss class work, assignments, grades, or general concerns. If you communicate with me and work with me, we can find a solution to any problem! Parents are also welcome to contact me at any time. I can be reached by emailing or by calling the school at (571) 252-2000. I will make every effort possible to answer emails within 24 hours. I am very excited about this school year, and I am here to help in any way that I can! Please let me know how I can be of extra assistance. Go Raiders! PERSONAL FINANCE Classroom Policies & Expectations This is your first assignment of the school year! Once you have read the class syllabus in its entirety, complete and return the form below no later than Monday, September 9, 2013. STUDENT NAME (PRINT): ________________________________________________ I HAVE READ THE CLASS SYLLABUS FOR THE COURSE LISTED ABOVE. I UNDERSTAND THE CLASS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES AS WELL AS THE INSTRUCTOR’S EXPECTATIONS OF THE STUDENTS. I UNDERSTAND THAT I WILL NEED TO EARN MY GRADE AND TO BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR MY WORK AND MY BEHAVIOR. STUDENT SIGNATURE: __________________________________ DATE: ___________ PARENTS & GUARDIANS – please mark the appropriate selections below: Yes No My student has access to a computer at home. My student has access to Microsoft Office 2010 at home. My student has Internet access at home. My student has my permission to obtain and/or access an email account for the purposes of this course. My student has my permission to receive text alerts regarding test or other important information. MY STUDENT AND I HAVE REVIEWED THE CLASS SYLLABUS FOR THE COURSE LISTED ABOVE. WE UNDERSTAND THE CLASS POLICIES, PROCEDURES, AND EXPECTATIONS AS THEY ARE DESCRIBED. PARENT / GUARDIAN NAME (PRINT): ______________________________________ PARENT / GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: _________________________ DATE: _________ STUDENT EMAIL ADDRESSES WILL BE ADDED TO A CLASS LISTSERV FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISTRIBUTING ANNOUNCEMENTS, DUE DATE REMINDERS, ETC. PLEASE LIST AN ADDRESS THAT IS CHECKED FREQUENTLY. STUDENT EMAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________ PARENT EMAIL ADDRESSES WILL BE USED TO COMMUNICATE PERIODIC UPDATES (A COUPLE TIMES EACH QUARTER) REGARDING CURRENT ACTIVITIES/TOPICS IN CLASS, ONGOING PROJECTS, ETC. YOU MAY ALSO CHOOSE TO BE CONTACTED INDIVIDUALLY BY EMAIL REGARDING GRADES, PRAISES, OR DISCIPLINE CONCERNS SPECIFIC TO YOUR STUDENT. IF YOU PREFER TO BE CONTACTED VIA TELEPHONE FOR INDIVIDUAL PRAISES/CONCERNS, PLEASE INCLUDE THE BEST PHONE NUMBER AT WHICH TO REACH YOU. PARENT EMAIL ADDRESS/PHONE: ___________________________________________ INCLUDE IN GROUP UPDATES AND CONTACT BY EMAIL FOR INDIVIDUAL UPDATES OR CONTACT BY PHONE