ANCIENT ROME STUDY GUIDE Ancient Rome (at its strongest) covered three continents; Europe, Africa and Asia. Rome is a city. Rome is in the country called Italy. Italy is a peninsula because three sides of the country is surrounded by water. Italy is on the continent called Europe. B. Physical characteristics (the land): built on mountains and hills located near the Tiber River and Mediterranean Sea limited rich soil. farmed on hillsides (terraced farming) trading took place on the Mediterranean Sea (economic interdependence). C. Human characteristics (the people) : master road builders (economic specialization), traders farmers D. Roman contributions include: Arches(used in many buildings and structures throughout Rome) Aqueducts (arches used to carry water), Colosseum (where gladiators fought) Roads (All roads lead to Rome) Mosaics (art made by broken bits of glass), Representative Democracy (a government where citizens elected - or voted on – representatives to make the laws).