1 Quarter (Stage numbers in parentheses indicate...  Introduction

LATIN I – red book - Unit 1
1st Quarter
(revised August 1, 2012)
(Stage numbers in parentheses indicate where topic is explicitly mentioned in text)
Basic terms - parts of speech, syntax, macron, inflection, declension, conjugation, gender,
number, case
The alphabet, pronunciation, and diphthongs
Stages 1-3
Nominative and Accusative case for declensions 1-3 (Stage 2, 3)
Present tense with 3rd person singular
Adjectives and Substantives
Vocative case for declensions 1-3
Indicative and Imperative mood
Question words: ubi, quis, quid
Basic geography of Italy
Roman House (Stage 1)
Roman Family and nomenclature (Stage 1)
Basic architecture terms, e.g. arch, basilica, columns, vault, concrete, post and lintel…
Town of Pompeii (Stage 3)
Roman Food and Dining (Stage 2)
English derivatives and cognates
Oral Latin, phrases, mottoes, quotes, proverbs, abbreviations
2nd Quarter
Stages 4-6
Present tense with pronouns ego and tū, 3rd person plural (Stage 4,5)
Imperfect and perfect tense of regular verbs and sum (Stage 6)
Adverbs as a part of speech
Prepositional phrases using Accusative and Ablative cases (place where, place from
which, place to which, accompaniment)
Know Latin Numbers and Numerals 1-20, 50, 100, 1000
Addition and Subtraction of Latin Numbers and Roman numerals
Question words: cūr, quōmodo, quot
Forum (Stage 4)
Theater (drama) (Stage 5)
Slaves and Freedmen (Stage 6)
Mythology: creation, Titans, Olympian deities, Greco-Roman names, domains and
symbols, prominent myths associated with them.
Continue with oral Latin, phrases, mottoes, quotes, proverbs, abbreviations, derivatives
and cognates
3rd Quarter
Stages 7-9
Dative case as indirect objects-with verbs of giving, showing, telling, for declensions 1-3
(Stage 9)
Adjective agreement: gender, number and case -- for declensions 1-3
Superlative degree of adjectives (Stage 8)
Roman Death and Funerals (Stage 7)
Gladiatorial shows (Stage 8)
Roman Baths (Stage 9)
Roman foundation myths, i.e., Troy and Aeneas
Three major Roman historical time periods…Monarchy, Republic and Empire
Continue with oral Latin, phrases, mottoes, quotes, proverbs, abbreviations, derivatives
and cognates
4th Quarter
Stages 10-12
All case endings for declensions 1-3
-ne, Num? Nonne? (Stage 11)
Comparison of adjectives (Stage 10)
Pronouns vōs and nōs (Stage 10, 11)
Dative object with special verbs faveo, credo, placeo (Stage 11)
3 principal parts, Infinitive (pres. act.), conjugation terminations
Negative imperatives with Noli and Nolite
Hercules and his 12 Labors
Roman Education (Stage 10)
Local Government and Elections (Stage 11), cursus honorum introduction
Destruction and Excavation of Pompeii (Stage 12)
Continue with oral Latin, phrases, mottoes, quotes, proverbs, abbreviations, derivatives
and cognates