LOTF Chapters 6 & 7 Symbolism share.

LOTF Chapters 6 & 7
*Find a quote that best describes or encompasses your focus & analyze it – be prepared to
1. Why is the fire so important? What does it represent?
2. How does the beastie become more important? What does this symbolize?
3. Why does the conch lose its importance? What does this symbolize?
4. What is the “sign that came down from the world of grown-ups” and what could it
1. How does the larger setting described in the second paragraph of Chapter 6
reinforce the theme of the novel?
2. How does the setting affect the tone and mood of this section of the novel? Find
1. What internal conflicts are the boys dealing with in these chapters?
2. How is the conflict between Ralph and Jack increasing? How do the internal
conflicts affect the external conflicts? (How does Jack use the other boys’ fears to
gain more power?)
Main Ideas and Theme
1. In Chapter 6, what is particularly horrific about Jack’s suggestion to “use a littlun”
when Robert says they need a real pig so they can kill it?
2. How is the theme of fear developed in these chapters? How does the author
create a tone of fear in this section? What is the author saying about fear?
3. What is the beast of the sea? The beast of the air?
1. Explain what is happening to Ralph in this statement from Chapter 6, “A strange
thing happened in Ralph’s head. Something flittered there in front of his mind like
a bat’s wing, obscuring his idea.”
2. How is Ralph different than when he arrived on the island?
3. In Chapter 6, why does Ralph allow Jack to lead and what is the effect? What
conflict arises?
4. When Ralph hits the boar with his spear, what is his reaction? Why is this
significant? What is Golding trying to say with this reaction?
5. What do we learn about Simon’s character in Chapters 6 and 7? How do you
6. How does Golding show that Ralph is still civilized in chapter 7?